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  • n.卡西亚
  1. Experiment on gait database of CASIA is used to analysis and verify the key technologies put forward in the paper .


  2. Good recognition results are achieved after 40000 recognition experiments have been done in the CASIA iris database ( version 1.0 ) .


  3. In the CASIA ( B ) gait database , the recognition accuracy of 99.46 % was acquired .


  4. Experimental results on the CASIA iris database images show that the proposed segmentation method can decrease the Equal Error Rate of the recognition system from 8 % to 4.4 % .


  5. This paper shows how to make use of computers to facilitate sampling inspection based on GB2828-87 and ISO2859 . A computer program CASIA is introduced .


  6. Because of the particularity of gait recognition , we design an immune model which can work effectively based on theory analysis and experiments on CASIA base using the selected characteristics of this paper .


  7. To process an iris image , this system needs only 0.2 second . The EER ( Equal Error Rate ) is 3.9 % in testing the CASIA iris library .


  8. The thesis designs the simulation experiment on the CASIA gait database . The experimental results demonstrate that the recognition has been good improvement after fusion and is much better than those based on single feature .


  9. Simulation results on CASIA database show that the recognition rate of this method is 95 % , and obviously higher than the recognition method of only using single feature , it shows that this is an effective identification method .


  10. Last reference templates are built and gait patterns are classified based on weighted dynamic time warping matching . Test on CASIA gait Lib . shows that the correction of classification reaches on 90 % .


  11. The experiments implemented on CASIA iris database V1.0 show that , the system performs very well , with a success rate of 96.6 % in location and the equal error rate of 0.23 % in recognition .


  12. The experiments of the proposed algorithm has been compared among other implemented algorithms on the CASIA iris image database , and the experiment results demonstrated that the proposed algorithm has the fastest speed than other algorithms while ensure the locating accuracy .
