The chaffinch has three or four songs and produces them in a specific order .
Thorpe next set out to determine exactly when the chaffinch learns to sing .
Thorpe also showed that the chaffinch is selective in what it will imitate .
Because I shared his fascination with the chaffinch song , he had invited me to join his research group .
On the other side of the deal , Chaffinch structured the loan as a zero-coupon convertible note , which received no interest .
While the chaffinch sings on the orchard bough
The syllable naming the third ( mediant ) note of any major scale in solmization . The chaffinch has three or four songs and produces them in a specific order .
We have been surrounded by birds all our lives , yet so feeble is our observation that many of us could not tell whether or not the chaffinch sings , or the colour of the cuckoo .
Electrochemical study on the interaction between malachite green and bovine serum albumin ( BSA ) finches : goldfinches ; bullfinches ; chaffinches ; siskins ; canaries ; cardinals ; grosbeaks ; crossbills ; linnets ; buntings .