- n.分支;进化枝;分化枝

A clade may contain many grades .
The major pathogenic type in most areas of China is Fusarium graminearum Clade .
Clade ST was found to be closely related to that of the virus from other countries in Asia .
Study on the Immunogenicity of HIV-1 Clade B gp120 Gene before and after Codon Optimization
Initially , research will look at designing antibodies against clade C , which could be used in a vaccine , he said .
And clade ⅲ isolates were irregularly scattered throughout Guangxi , which suggested long-distance transmission may happen .
Characterization of HIV-1 Clade B Specific Cytotoxic T-Lymphocyte Responses and Definition of HLA-All-restricted Epitopes in China
Phylogenetic tree analysis of different Properdin protein sequences showed that zebrafish Properdin clustered in bony fish clade .
This clade is frequent in southern China where a match for the dominant B4 haplotype is also observed in our results .
Trypanosomes from China were nested within the fish clade and further subdivided into at least 2 subgroups .
Phylogenetic analysis revealed that psy from green algae formed a monophyletic clade , and its closer relationship was higher plants .
Phylogenetic tree analysis based on the amino acid sequences showed that Hprt of swamp eel and zebrafish was in one clade .
The NJ and MP trees showed that B.patulus was separated into an independent clade .
Our previous studies revealed clade 2.3.4 viruses isolated in China formed multiple genotypes due to the big diversity detected in their NA and internal genes .
There existed obvious differences of EST isoenzyme between larva phase and adult phase and different isoenzyme zymogram in each intraspecific clade .
The results show that SARS coronavirus is the sister group of Murine hepatitis virus Bovine coronavirus clade ( M B clade ) .
Different clades possess their own property of genome . SX clade acquired the resistance to amantadine and antigenic-drifted .
HIV has around ten known sub-types or'clades ' and most research to date has focused on clade B , which dominates in Europe and the United States .
Genetic diversity in Clade ⅰ rose rapidly from 1994 to 1996 and then maintain stable , followed by another rapid rise during 2001-2003 , and reached peak in 2003 .
However , the phylogenetic tree constructed with G2 segments ( 2741-2950 nt ) could group HTN and DOB strains into the same clade .
St clade is the biggest one in the three clades , almost include all the plants in the study , indicated that the plants have St genome . 4 .
The Chilopoda appears to be sister to a clade containing the Insecta and Crustacea , but with low bootstrap support .
The phylogenetic tree indicated that the Trametes group was separated from other groups and most strains of Trametes versicolor formed a single clade with a high percentage support .
This group , called the aculeate ( stinging ) Hymenoptera clade , holds bees , ants , and stinging wasps .
The eastern populations gather into Clade A in the haplotype phylogeny , and split off about 74000 years ago , which is in the interglacial period .
The results indicated that all fish trypanosomes fell in a single clade , which freshwater fish trypanosomes was separate from trypanosomes of marine fish and formed sister group .
Objective To analyse the character of HIV-1 clade B Nef specific CD8 + T cell responses in Chinese population and the relationship among the responses , viral load and CD4 cell counting .
This taxon possibly was a basal clade in systematic tree of angiosperm diverged earlier than the divarication between Dicotyledon and Monocotyledon .
The similarity coefficient between P.delavayi and P.ludlowii was 0.60 , and they were clustered in a clade .
There exists the cross-recognition between the Clade B and Clade C. These data suggest that the study on HIV-1-specific CTL responses in Chinese will provide strategies for the vaccine design in China .