
  • n.同种(人或物);同种类(同性质)的东西
  • adj.同类的,同属的;同种的


a whole (a thing or person) of the same kind or category as another
lard was also used, though its congener, butter, was more frequently employed
the American shopkeeper differs from his European congener
an animal or plant that bears a relationship to another (as related by common descent or by membership in the same genus)
Synonym: relative congenator congeneric
a minor chemical constituent that gives a wine or liquor its distinctive character


  1. Comparing with congener system , this system have some advantages , such as lower cost , simpler structure and better expansibility .


  2. If be forum professional perhaps stronger website , go knowing congener friend as far as possible , let them help you publicize , also can go congener forum advertises , publish an article .


  3. Study of designing BP neural network structure in congener sample covering


  4. The technical indicator achieved the international congener products level .


  5. The Parallel Model for Concept Lattice Constructing Based on Synonymous Concepts and Congener Concepts


  6. The analysis results could provide references and basis for congener research and amendment of steel structure code in future .


  7. Polychlorinated biphenyl congener residues in sediment and soil from pollution area


  8. The results from this method do not differ significantly from the parameters of the products of congener machine abroad .


  9. The references for suitable design of the valve structure and for studying the congener components are supplied .


  10. The second part of the article will make a conclusion of the competitive exist of the congener security interest in one part .


  11. So it is very valuable to research the reasonable structural system and provide some reference for the design and construction of the congener bridge .


  12. Congener pattern and toxicity of polychlorinated biphenyls in aquatic organisms from an electronic and electrical waste area


  13. The results of performance test for the instrument indicate its main technical parameters have already reached the level of the congener domestic and foreign products .


  14. On relation of morphology between Shandong medicinal bryophytes and their congener species in the same genus


  15. The aphid species has formed high specialization to various host plants because of the long-term living on congener or similar plants .


  16. HoweVer , the application of LIBS in molecular analysis , especially in quantitatively detecting and identifying organic congener is still in developing stage .


  17. Congener and homologue profiles of Polychlorinated Biphenyls ( PCBs ) produced in China


  18. Objective To explore the effects of polychlorinated biphenyl congener 153 ( PCB 153 ) during pregnancy on embryonic development and its mechanism .


  19. The properties of the prepared PEI and glass fiber reinforcing PEI were corresponded with those of the congener products in America .


  20. Then the primary factor affecting the tunnel stability and design mechanical parameters of tunnel are analyzed , which is analogized and used for reference to the congener project .


  21. These results indicated that stepwise dechlorination initiated at ortho chlorine was the main photodegradation pathway of the tested PCB congener .


  22. Comparing the congener , this apparatus has many characters , such as cheapness , low power consuming , accuracy , high repetition and anti-shake .


  23. The most toxic congener 2,3,7,8-TCDD was condensed in fly ash from bag filter ( FABF ) .


  24. The examining effect about the trace of fingerprint , palm prints , etc. by this device is as good as that of the congener overseas import product .


  25. Responses of Vegetative Growth and Photosynthesis to Temperature in the Invasive Species Alternanthera philoxeroides and Its Indigenous Congener A. sessilis


  26. Metadata element is basic information unit of data . Metadata entity is the set of congener metadata element . Metadata section is set of interrelated metadata entity and metadata element .


  27. The Levels and Congener Profiles of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in Pine Needles and Children 's Plasma from Dalian and Soils from the Modern Yellow River Delta


  28. The actuality of process and production of heel of 60 AT rail for railway switches and crossing was introduced , and the congener technology at home and abroad was summarized as well .


  29. Simulation results indicates that the new algorithm has the good duplex talk protection performance and also has the fast tracking performance as the echo path changes but with less computational complexity contrast to the congener algorithm .


  30. Numerical simulation of rockburst on the drain tunnel in the Jinping Second Level Hydropower Station Concentrations and Congener Profiles of PCDDs / PCDFs in Flue Gas Samples from Oil Type Crematories
