
  • n.一致性;适合;一致;调和

复数: congruities



the quality of agreeing;being suitable and appropriate
Synonym: congruousness congruence


  1. There is a definite congruity in the candidates ' approach to the tax problem .


  2. Congruity is the mother of love .


  3. The Conflict and Congruity between Freedom of Expression and Personal Right


  4. The key success factors include the congruity between the information and the individual 's perspective .


  5. Moral construction of higher schools must be emphasized the congruity of theory and practice , knowing and doing .


  6. Last , It proves the congruity between the kinetic model and the car-following theory .


  7. But the realization of state justice displays in the very great degree for public and private contradictory well congruity .


  8. Original study on effect of tea powder on fat anti-oxidation and flavor congruity of Sichuan-type sausage


  9. Village ethic formed in historical agriculture emphasizes internal congruity , external competition and individual subordinating to collective .


  10. And the essence of pragmatic vagueness is inherently related to the congruity theory of humor .


  11. Based on Gender Schema Theory and Self-concept Congruity Model , and theories of brand extension , this paper analyzes the thesis systematically .


  12. Formal analysis is a mathematic method used to describe system properties and its purpose is to find ambiguity , congruity , and imperfection of a system .


  13. On the Congruity between E-administration Promotion and Service-government Construction


  14. The congruity of the trilogy can also be ascribed to the fact that the films closely follow Tolkien 's novels .


  15. It was a spot which returned upon the memory of those who loved it with an aspect of peculiar and kindly congruity .


  16. Both language and music sound use voice to show the content , so their forms of expression have some congruity , even when literature is in words , it could be read in sounds .


  17. It was spot which returned upon the memory of those who loved it with an aspect of peculiar and kindly congruity The features of the original text should be kept in a translation .


  18. It emerges that congruity of the contractible scorecard measures constrains a purely implicit incentive contract , but the first-best solution may still be obtained through a combination of formal and relational contracts .


  19. Compared with the comparison group , the number of children not only between the congruity constitution and non - congruity constitution , but also between the Fei-Pi constitution and Pi-Shen constitution have significant difference .


  20. Also , in the institutionalization of the evolution of morality it is essential to follow three basic principles : the unity of moral norms and profit seeking , the integration of efficiency and fairness , and the congruity of economic development and people 's development .


  21. With respect to Greek tragedy , which of course presents itself to us only as word-drama , I have even intimated that the lack of congruity between myth and expression might easily lead us to regard it as shallower and less significant than it really is ,


  22. The sense of history in criticizing contemporary poetry , the sense of academic history in discussing theoretical issues , and the passion for studies on the history of poetry shown by the Qing scholars of poetics all indicate the congruity between their academic spirit and modern academics .


  23. In the judgement of Art , the symbol of true beauty is the congruity of the parts ; and to become a good critic , one is required to combine all the qualities harmoniously , which is in consistency with the standard of the taste of Art .


  24. RES_ ULTS : Through excel , a clear shift records account of emergency pharmacy drugs was achieved , the recording and statistics of prescriptions become more convenient and fast , both the working efficiency and the congruity between the account and the drugs were greatly enhanced .
