- n.科雷

The literature concerning the financial crises shows that asset price volatility and banking fragility have strong corre - lation .
The test data obtained are very well corre - lated with the time of vestibular nystagmus by the principle of probability and statistics .
From the standpoint of energy concept , a functional relationship corre - lating bond length and internuclear distance is formulated in this article .
In making the radio waves corre ond to each sound in turn , me ages are carried from a broadcasting station to a receiving set .
The correlation analysis of felled timber data showed that significant corre - lation existed among bearing quantity , age , mean increment of bearing branch at regular interval .
The corre - lation of conduction mechanism , strain effects and the physical and chemical properties of the paste is also studied with aid of XRD and SEM techniques .
This pa - per discusses neural networks ' adaptive learning criteria , including error square sum criterion , corre - lation criterion and fuzzy entropy criterion , and gives their correspondent learning algorithms .
According to the mechanical position of the maia roof , this paper builds up a corresponding mechanical model , gives out bending moment corre - ction coefficient of main roof and analyses bending moment distribution law .
And lastly , suggests people should strengthen and promote more in the ART education , widen and popularize ART knowledge , improve the rate of ART understanding , built corre ct birth concept for full use of ART .
The investigators of Ministry of commerce , General Administration of the customs and State Administration of taxation should abide by corre onding laws , regulatio and rules of the state during the investigation .