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  • 网络隐蔽性;静态分析工具
  1. PMD is a static Java source code analysis tool , similar in concept to Checkstyle , FindBugs and Coverity .


  2. We are also proud to provide the open source community with defects found by our tools at Scan ( http : / / scan . coverity . com ) .


  3. Prevent SQS integrates into a desktop build or continous integration environment where Coverity claims that it scan millions of lines of Java code in a matter of hours .


  4. According to Ben , one of the capabilities Coverity has over other bytecode scanners is the ability to identify behavior in the code and anomalies that are likely to be mistakes


  5. The Java code quality / static analysis space has a new entrant this week with Coverity , a software quality / defect detection company that previously has been operating in the C / C + + space for4 years .
