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  1. The gutsy ... intensity of her musical involvement ( Judith Crist )


  2. Governor Charlie Crist has sought to expand energy research programs at state universities and ordered energy companies to begin offering more electricity from renewable sources .


  3. Melanee Crist is Assistant Director for International Education at Truman State University .


  4. To get a bit history teacher for a moment : Ungaro spent six years with Crist bal Balenciaga .


  5. Its ex-felons have not had every right restored by Mr Crist and the clemency board .


  6. For the Democrats rally today in support of gubernatorial nominee Charlie Crist .


  7. Mr Crist endorsed him anyway .


  8. They took turns voicing their support before Crist sumed up his tight race with Republican governor Rick Scott .


  9. Florida Democrats who once fault Crist , the cross the island on the campaign trail are now standing at his side .


  10. Scott has a double digit fund raising at Joe Blow Crist , and the poll shows the two are necking and neck .


  11. Marco Rubio defeating Charlie Crist for Senate in Florida ;


  12. To win , Crist needs to woo the 25 % of Democrats to vote for his opponents in this week 's primary .


  13. We can be critical of directors but the institutions obviously were not on the case , said Mr Crist , who also called for an end to stock lending by pension funds .


  14. Their house , at 2066 Crist Drive , was one story with three bedrooms and an all-important attached garage with a roll-down door facing the street .


  15. Make the journey to San Crist ó bal , a residential neighborhood with its own landmark bar that dates back to 1915 , Bar de Cao .


  16. 53.0 % ( 70 / 132 ) of cases examined showed swellings of hock joint or / and synovial bursae of crist sternum .


  17. The mitochondrial crist and matrix were destroyed seriously and its respiratory control ratio and efficiency of oxidative phosphorylation dropped markedly compared with that in the pre shock group ( P < 0.01 ) .


  18. Obama was introduced in Fort Myers by Charlie Crist , the popular Governor of Florida , who is one of few nationally-known Republican politicians to endorse the president 's economic recovery plan .


  19. But a board member at that retailer contradicted the former COO 's explanation , telling the search firm that he left because ' he crossed the professional line in how he dealt with women subordinates , ' Mr. Crist remembers .


  20. He said he had stepped down as second in command of another retailer in 2008 because the chief executive resisted relinquishing control , according to Peter Crist , chairman of recruiters Crist / Kolder Associates , which handled the 2011 hunt .


  21. And if its founder , Crist ó bal Balenciaga , was never particularly concerned with keeping up with the times , as the critic Kennedy Fraser pointed out in her 1981 book " The Fashionable Mind , " so it goes in fashion : Houses evolve or they become irrelevant .
