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  • 网络大田;大田市;韩国;大田广域市
  1. Thank you again for your cooperation and I look forward to seeing you in Daejeon in October this year .


  2. According to Daejeon data , Daejeon soil infiltration parameters under the condition of border irrigation were predicted resorting to Philip model .


  3. Long-term capital controls are certainly not a good thing , he told the Financial Times before a conference in the South Korean city of Daejeon .


  4. Followed by corn planting density in Daejeon , corn seed rate of a sample survey of randomly laid a number of samples and made a record .


  5. The test results show that azadirachtin can be a good alternative to lambda cyhalothrin EC ( the improper use of agents ) in Daejeon is widely used , the effect equivalent .


  6. In the matter of the6th WTA Daejeon Hi-tech Fair , Executive Members'strong support was requested to encourage pertinent companies , research institutes in their cities to take part in the event .


  7. B.Any additional written regulations and instructions shall form part of the terms and regulations for participation in6th WTA Daejeon Hi-tech Fair and they shall be binding on the exhibitors .


  8. The Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology , headquartered in Daejeon , about 150 kilometers from Seoul , is working on a vehicle it calls " OLEV . " That stands for Online Electric Vehicle .


  9. Mr Ihm leads the way to a 3D printer room at the Daejeon centre and points out a prototype camera case printed by The S , an action camera maker that is one of 10 start-ups hosted there .


  10. In order to reduce the use of pesticides in tobacco , improve the quality of tobacco , the use of physical methods of pest control is an effective solution , in which the use of silver gray aphid repellent film is widely used in Daejeon .


  11. According a daejeon model test , to some extent , spraying functional aminophenol compound nutrient fluid can improve the appearance of fire-cured tobacco . 4 . Different concentrations spraying SPAD with maximum value of 200 times , the others processing is also much higher .


  12. Tiro the robot assisted at the wedding of Seok Gyeong-Jae , one of the engineers who designed it , and his bride at Daejeon , 130 kilometres ( 78 miles ) south of Seoul .
