
美 [ˈkjuːtsi]英 [ˈkjuːtsi]
  • adj.矫揉造作的;忸怩作态的


too pretty or attractive in a way that is annoying or not realistic



  • 1
    ADJ-GRADED 矫揉造作的;忸怩作态的
    If you describe someone or something as cutesy, you dislike them because you think they are unpleasantly pretty and sentimental.

    Macaulay Culkin receives his first screen kiss from cutesy 11-year-old Anna Chlumsky.


  1. She searches for music videos on YouTube and logs onto Gaia Online , a role-playing site where members fashion alternate identities as cutesy cartoon characters .


  2. Macaulay Culkin receives his first screen kiss from cutesy 11-year-old Anna Chlumsky .


  3. Can 't you sing normal , cutesy children songs ?


  4. Compared to the work of , say , William S.Burroughs , it 's positively cutesy .


  5. The clerk says in a cutesy voice ," But you can add another'Bow wow wow'for the same price . "


  6. Who , a decade ago , would have ever guessed Victoria Beckham would nail the cute but not cutesy market ?


  7. Big nose can sound cutesy and sweet when you are cuddled up to together , but has a different feel when written down .


  8. Who , a decade ago , would have ever guessed Victoria Beckham would nail the " cute but not cutesy " market ?


  9. Without their cutesy smiles , naked muscular torso or sexy gyrating bodies , these songs are nothing .


  10. Chinese women tend to like cutesy , girlish pink clothes ( think Hello Kitty ), not the sexy and skimpy kind Fields designed .


  11. The environment is highly interactive , and highly destructible , and you can wreck merry havoc across cutesy landscapes .


  12. Yes , you have these cutesy plants , but the existence of zombies prevents it from being to sugary .


  13. Well there are thousands of people in the online world who 'd just love to hear all about it , and tell you more cutesy cat stories than you ever dreamed .


  14. In an industry awash in cutesy metaphors , it 's no surprise when another one pops up and grabs the popular imagination of creative business and IT people .


  15. In the meantime , the sudden drop in Deng 's Weibo fans may indicate that audiences quickly tire of cutesy couples and their lousy movies .


  16. Colored paper , cutesy fonts , links to personal websites and childish email addresses all scream unprofessional and are a turn off to hiring managers .


  17. Comment : I normally really don 't like cutesy photos of babies , but this is really neat and very fun I have to say : what a lovely imagination !


  18. I think it 's weird you don 't like cutesy considering half your clients at the Grammys looked like they just stepped out of a my little pony fever dream .


  19. Some job seekers use cutesy ideas like sending a plate of Christmas cookies along with a cover letter or printing their resumes on holiday paper in the hopes that they 'll get noticed .


  20. The work Chang does on both the exterior and interior of the vans is impressive , whether you 've asked for a cutesy , oceanic , or retro style .


  21. No spray bud of the cutesy , without bees chase Splendor of the brilliant , are loving this revolution into poetry , busy consumers do have created the Kate Hongyan .


  22. Osmanthus fragrans , is a very ordinary , very ordinary flowers , it does not roses cutesy , there is no such devotion lotus , nor Peony Grace .


  23. Any time there 's a baby around , someone invariably tells the baby ( in the obligatory cutesy voice ) that they 're " gonna eat them up " or " bite their toes " or eat some other body part .


  24. Gone are the days when kitchens need to be pink and teal and cutesy . Making meals for your new mom of a partner will inspire connection and partnership in your lives , save money , and most likely be healthier .


  25. Current ideas include " devil mode " ( which will add glowing red eyes to the photo ) , " angel mode " ( which will add wings and a halo ) , and a number of cutesy birthday features like party hats .
