- adj.温和的;随和的

He 's a mild-mannered man not known for his militancy .
He 's a modest , mild-mannered man , without a trace of self-importance .
He was a meek , mild-mannered fellow .
A sweet innocent mild-mannered person ( especially a child ) .
He was a mild-mannered young man .
Dean Tom Campbell , a mild-mannered career academic , took the time to ensure a collaborative approach .
In addition , the anxiety can cause even the most mild-mannered pet to bite out of fear .
Why do mild-mannered economists have to become superheroes ?
She 's a very mild-mannered person .
that he 's far more than a mild-mannered surgeon who cruelly murdered his wife .
It 's not even the sight of normally mild-mannered middle managers leading conga lines through the office while wearing novelty Santa hats .
The plot involves Neo ( Keanu Reeves ), a mild-mannered software author by day , a feared hacker by night .
NARRATOR : Attlee , a mild-mannered Christian Socialist , gave Churchill 's gaffe a sinister spin .
Even among themselves , they are quite mild-mannered , only displaying brief flares of fin or a passing nip during spawning rituals .
What has appeared as a mild-mannered elliptical galaxy in previous studies is revealing its wild side in new images taken with NASA 's Hubble Space Telescope .
Zoikes , how I try to be more mild-mannered and easy-going !
Yet inside the room a mild-mannered ex-academic Chairman Ben Bernanke of the Federal Reserve was giving a speech that will affect all of their lives .
Comments such as these make me worry that Mr Schmidt , who used to be a mild-mannered and open-minded soul , is becoming too big for his boots .
Today , astronauts are just as likely to be mild-mannered , nerdy and aging & and possibly balding and paunchy .
The mother rises up strong in Karen , and the usually mild-mannered lady glares steel-eyed into the head nurse 's face , her lips a firm line .
Superman fans will ① know the hero spent most of his time disguised as Clark Kent , mild-mannered and hard-working reporter for the DailyGlobe .
But Mr. Cheney 's movie , while teasing at times , does its celebrating and debunking in mild-mannered fashion , making points without seeming to try to score them .
The wine body assumes the deep gem red , fragrance rich graceful , the wine body plentiful integrity , the feeling in the mouth mild-mannered coordination , in the finish is prolonged .
In the textile industry , PAM takes the fabric post-processing the starching agent , the finishing agent , may produce , the crease-resist , bear the mold mild-mannered the protector .
Of course , even the most mild-mannered Canadian may sputter at the prospect of being swallowed up by the U.S. , and Americans may wonder about the wisdom of absorbing their huge neighbor .
A scholarly and mild-mannered bureaucrat , Ms Hu is regarded as a reformer , although she keeps a low profile and is seen as extremely cautious when it comes to expressing her own policy views .
Early Burning Man 's has changed , Doherty said shortly before the 2011 event began . What hasn 't changed , Doherty said , is that it can compel a mild-mannered accountant to roll naked in playa mud without fear of consequences ( except for an uncomfortable alkali burn ) .
ISTANBUL - Turkey 's president , Recep Tayyip Erdogan , says that a mild-mannered Muslim cleric living in self-imposed exile in rural Pennsylvania was pulling the strings of a coup attempt last week that almost succeeded in taking over the state , and killing Mr. Erdogan himself .
The mother raises up strong in Karen , and the usually mild-mannered lady glares steel-eyed into the head nurse 's face , her lips a firm line . " He is not leaving until he sings to his sister ! " Karen tows Michael to his sister 's bedside .