For example , the dative construction in English .
The relationship between the double object and the dative construction is discussed , too .
Chapter one analyses the using confine of Mediaeval Mongolian Language Dative Case .
The dative markers are very different in Chinese dialects .
Children 's Comprehension of Dative and Instrumental Sentences and Their Comprehension Strategies
In line with construction grammar , this paper analyzes the differences of construction meaning between double object and dative construction .
Three Origins of Dative Markers in Chinese Dialects
Effects of language proficiency and task type on structural priming in L2 production of English dative constructions
In English , verbs of delayed creation can enter DOC as well the dative construction .
Chapter 1 focuses on the relevant constructions in English , namely the double object construction and the dative construction .
In Latin , several verbs govern the dative .
This is called a dative bond .
You can say , " Give a muffin to a mouse , " the prepositional dative .
Chinese placement verb can make up " ba " sentence or " bei " sentence by displacement of patient role and dative role .
Or , " Give a mouse a muffin , " the double-object dative .
So to some extent , these two can be combined , we can incorporate the " Dative " into the " Target Object " . 3 .
Verbal idioms whose valence include dative role are categorized into verbal idioms of separate-combinative valence and general bivalent verbal idioms .
The step by step dative precipitate reaction of pH showed that the precipitate ability of the Cu 2 + and polysaccharides was better than Al 3 + .
The strength of the dative bond deponds not only on the substituents R , but also on the skeletal structure of the parent ring .
There is a detailed description of the prepositions phrase'word order and its grammaticalization path about locative , dative and benifcative .
Through the analysis of the three patterns as well as the principle of ideal distance iconicity , we have concluded that the dative construction is the unmarked pattern in Xiangyin dialect .
The relationship between typical object construction and dative structure has been controversial , and therefore , the relationship among typical object construction , dative construction and inverse double object construction is discussed in this present thesis .
This study also explores the generation process of the primary EC dative construction . The result shows that English and Chinese have the same generation process of the conceptual framework , and the same way of syntactic realization .
The prime and the target words used in the study were from 3 dative verb classes , they were the Give Verbs , the Creation Verbs , and the Verbs of Transfer of a Message .
Based on the previous research regarding the relationship between DC ( Dative Construction ) and DOC ( Double Object Construction ), from the perspectives of syntactic theories , semantic constraints towards direct object and indirect object , the thesis demonstrate that no transformation exists between DC and DOC .
The feature marks of Romanian include variations of genitive and dative cases of nouns and pronouns , agreement in gender , number and case between adjective and head , attachment of prepositional phrase with the preposition " de ", and additional remarks led by word like " care " .