- adj.两合子的,两受精卵的

Siblings and dizygotic twins share only 50 % of their segregating genes .
In addition , mutations were also found in mothers of dizygotic twins .
Dizygotic twins arise from two separate eggs fertilized by two spermatozoa .
However , there are still more genes to be found that influence spontaneous dizygotic twinning .
In humans , blood group chimeras result from exchange of hematopoietic stem cells by dizygotic twins in utero ;
Of , relating to , or being a twin developed from two separately fertilized ova ; dizygotic .
The twins are dizygotic , which is just the scientific term for fraternal twins .
Whereas identical twins develop from one embryo that splits in half , dizygotic twinning thus starts with a multiple ovulation .
Non-identical twins , medically known as dizygotic , develop from two separate eggs from separate follicles fertilised by separate sperm cells .
A trait or disease is called heritable if monozygotic twins are more similar to each other than dizygotic twins .
Discovery of the main genes behind the mystery of spontaneous dizygotic twinning was long awaited , and is of great scientific interest and clinical importance , ' said Professor Boomsma .
And then there was Layton , my dizygotic twin .
The Coping Strategies of Dizygotic and Monozygotic Twin Pregnancy in Assisted Reproductive Technology Reproductive Performance in Two Populations of Polygonum viviparum ( Polygonaceae ) under Different Habitats
Conclusion : The twin girls originate from dizygotic and the extra chromosome 21 of the elder sister is from nondisjunction during the first meiotic division of the mother .
There were six monozygotic twins , the other seven were dizygotic twins . Among the total cases , there were four twin to twin transfusion syndromes ( TTTS ) .
Diopters of sphere and cylinder were measured in 103 pairs of twins of the same sex ( 71 monozygotic and 32 dizygotic ) aged 7 & 12 years .
Results : In the Study One , we totally collected eligible 1311 pairs of twins , 908 Monozygotic twins ( MZ ) and 403 Dizygotic twins ( DZ ) .
Of , relating to , or being a twin developed from two separately fertilized ova ; dizygotic . Monozygotic twins , on the other hand , arise from the same fertilized egg .
Methods One hundred and forty-three healthy monozygotic ( MZ ) twin pairs and 93 dizygotic ( DZ ) ones aged 5 to 19 [ with a mean of ( 11.2 ± 3.4 ) years ] .
There were 198 pairs of twins being found in 58 887 children in kindergartens , primary and middle schools in Wuhu . The frequency of twins was 3.4 ‰, of which the monozygotic ( MZ ) and dizygotic ( DZ ) twins were 60.77 % and 39.23 % respectively .