Chalaza end had characteristic hypostase structure .
After the newborn endosperm nuclei divided , the cells were formed step by step from the chalaza side to the micropyle side .
The research mainly includes the development processes of embryo and endosperm , pericarp and spermoderm as well as the changes of nucellus and chalaza .
The megasporocyte forms in late March and undergoes meiosis to form the megaspore tetrad in early April , The functional megaspore lies nearby the chalaza end .
With the embryo development , most of the endosperm degenerated , and the cells near chalaza entered the chalaza , digested it and further nourished the embryo .
However , the nucellus cells at the chalaza end split and reproduce , which results in the appearance of an expanded apophysis that keeps its shape until the seed becomes mature during the development process of the fruit in the coming year .
The megaspore mather cell is derived from the sporogenous cell , and divided into four megaspores by the meiotic division , megaspores present the rank of T & type , among which only one near chalaza can be developed to the embryo sac .
Then the one cell near Chalaza end , which was derived from basal cell , underwent perpendicular division again , together with cells derived from apical cell , they formed embryo proper , and then sequentially formed multicellular spherical proembryo , heart-shaped embryo , Torpedo-shaped embryo , mature embryo .