
  • 网络爱思唯尔;出版;期刊;论文;全文电子期刊
  1. Digital publication has become one of the main sources for Elsevier 's income .


  2. The report , released by Elsevier last month ( 22 March ), reveals that water resource research is growing fastest in China .


  3. The structure and function of Elsevier editorial system are made a brief introduction .


  4. Survey and Analysis of Open Access of Elsevier Journals


  5. Elsevier could certainly do with a bit more competition .


  6. Elsevier Health Sciences China has acquired a company to provide electronic clinical support information services to hospitals .


  7. The study appears in Social Science & Medicine , published by the Dutch publishing house Elsevier .


  8. In the age of information , could Elsevier still be an unique provider for ubiquitous and flowing information ?


  9. Now , we have realized that Elsevier 's gentleness is only one time discount for the first time meet .


  10. Elsevier editorial system and its enlighten to Chinese sci-tec periodicals


  11. Therefore , negotiation eventually failed , but Elsevier 's loss of27 users was compensated by some new users .


  12. Elsevier made readers have to download the full-text and thus the number of articles downloaded has been increased .


  13. But it is known that the publisher is Elsevier .


  14. These data and views above and the behavior of Elsevier told us that hegemony also existed in the field of knowledge production and dissemination .


  15. Chinese subscribers have still remembered the " gentle " Elsevier from Holand in2000.At that time , Elsevier has just entered the market of China .


  16. The Lancet Oncology published by Elsevier , and the Singapore Society of Oncology have worked to bring leading cancer experts and societies together at the AOS .


  17. These costs are similar for open-access publishers such as the public library of Science ( PLoS ) in San Francisco , a competitor to Elsevier .


  18. To assist with improving financial systems and processes and also to put in place appropriate controls , within the framework laid down by reed elsevier , to safeguard assets of the jv .


  19. In Elsevier 's Annals of Epidemiology , a new study investigates the green tea consumption of20,550 men and29,671 women in Japan , to see if there was any correlation with oral cancer .


  20. Elsevier employs 7,000 editors , manages a network of about 500,000 peer reviewers ( whom it does not pay ), publishes 300,000 new articles a year and runs a 100-terabyte database .


  21. Through years of operation , Elsevier had the best authors , reviewers and editors in the world , but it forgot that they are also the builders of its " empire ", and users of products .


  22. Critics of the current system , under which research libraries pay up to $ 50,000 annually to use online databases , tend to blame profiteering by companies such as Reed Elsevier and Springer for this cost .


  23. Since Elsevier Science Publishing Group established its mirror sites of electronic journals at Tsinghua University Library and Shanghai Jiaotong University Library in April of 2000 , the service paradigm of electronic journals based on mirror sites has been popularized by users .


  24. Which means the company is better suited to compete with Bloomberg , Lexis-Nexis ( owned by Reed Elsevier ) , IMS Health , and Thompson-Reuters rather than organizations trusted on the subject on cancer like Sloan Kettering .


  25. A spokesman of Elsevier , the Journal of Voice , said : " The results suggest that even when words have no meaning , young female speakers will seek to mark the end of an utterance or add emphasis with vocal fry . "


  26. The expert opinion of the world 's top 76798 academics and 44426 employers informed the results , alongside the analysis of 28.5 million research papers and over 113 million citations sourced from the Scopus / Elsevier bibliometric database , said QS .
