
  • n.溶提(作用),淋溶(作用),淋滤(作用)
  1. Effect of Waste Rock Eluviation on Water Environment


  2. Under the application of several kind of fertilization system the eluviation characteristic in the profile in purple soil


  3. Characteristics of Available Nutrients Accumulation and Eluviation in Greenhouse Soil


  4. Study on adsorbing capacity of chromium cinder under circumstances of eluviation


  5. The ancient meteoric water eluviation is the important way to improve reservoir physical properties under the unconformity .


  6. Eluviation of Nutrients in Glebe - Soil and Its Influence on Groundwater


  7. The factors related with metamorphic reservoir space are crystallization , structure , physical weathering , and chemical eluviation .


  8. Simulated eluviation experiment research of several heavy metal element in riverway deposit of Huaihe River on Huainan District


  9. This distribution pattern of soil carbon was related to such factors as the precipitation eluviation and the organism activities in soils .


  10. The average error of eluviation concentration is less than 6 % which verifies the reliability and practicality of the model .


  11. Experiment on release of crusted residual oil in Zihe Riverbed under the condition of rainfall eluviation


  12. The result is put forward for the first time that the loss of N caesed by volatilization is more than eluviation .


  13. Immobilization was major form of eluviation of phosphorus in the soil , which was negligible different from control and causing little contamination on groundwater .


  14. Shallow groundwater is controlled by physical chemistry action in aeration zone . Eluviation and desorption / adsorption are major actions to control fluorine move .


  15. In the high-mountain forest region of Southwest China , the major soil forming processes are eluviation ( acid leaching ) and humification .


  16. However , the content of amorphous Cu tends to be decreased with the intensification of weathering and eluviation proceses .


  17. But , low sedimentary rate in many profiles , especially in S1 , and following strong pedogenesis and eluviation would have effect on those climate records .


  18. The purpose is to determine the speed of the eluviation and release , as well as the release difference of the different mass ratio fertilizer that releases more slowly .


  19. Other factors such as different granularity , leaching time , superficial leaching rate , acid rain eluviation and solarization which affect toxicity of the leachate are also discussed .


  20. The result shows that these soils have chelation , eluviation and illuviation of organic acids and the peats gather together obviously to the surface horizon .


  21. This pollutant has eluviation in soil , and is easy to be leached to deeper soil or follow surface runoff into rivers and lakes , polluting groundwater and surface water .


  22. Their common characters are scarce of organic matter , low content of nutrient , little CEC , weak eluviation , high content of calcium carbonate , profile developed a little and coarse soil texture .


  23. On the basis of it , indoors_ eluviation experiment under simulated rainfall conditions is carried out , and the soil eluviation characteristics of the reclaimed land by flyash are studied .


  24. The net eluviation amount of K and Ca is higher than other elements of throughfall and stemflow . The net eluviation amount and eluviation coefficient of every element in stemflow is higher than that of throughfall .


  25. Pesticides can volatilize into the atmosphere from the surface soil ; They can be absorbed by crops and accumulate in the plants ; They can also move into groundwater by the means of eluviation or move into surface waters with runoff .


  26. Moreover , soil acidification causes big losses of electropositive ions such as K , Na , Ca , Mg by eluviation , and rapidly decreases the available beneficial elements , therefore resulting in a reduction in soil fertility , nutrient and quality .


  27. In the cold Abies Holophylla zone of the alpine and subalpine mountains in western Sichuan , the basic process of soil formation is the compound process of organic cheluviation of iron and aluminium and reductive eluviation of iron and manganese .


  28. By adding EDTA in several times , it not only can accelerate phytoremediation effect , but also can abate side effect to sediment and environment because it can lighten the decomposing problem of EDTA and the eluviation risk of EDTA-heavy metals chelator to environment .
