
美 [ɪˈmoʊtɪkɑːn]英 [ɪˈməʊtɪkɒn]
  • n.表情符号;情感符号 (如:-)表示笑脸)

复数: emoticons



computing 计情感符号, 表情符号 (如:-)表示笑脸)
a short set of keyboard symbols that represents the expression on sb's face, used in email, etc. to show the feelings of the person sending the message. For example :-) represents a smiling face (when you look at it sideways).



  • 1
    N-COUNT 情感符号(电子邮件中用来表示情感的符号)
    An emoticon is a symbol used in e-mail to show how someone is feeling. :-) is an emoticon showing happiness.


a representation of a facial expression (as a smile or frown) created by typing a sequence of characters in sending email
:-( and :-) are emoticons


  1. This thesis may provide a new perspective on the study of emoticon .


  2. If you want someone to like you , match their emoticon frequency .


  3. You can modify this emoticon by changing the information below .


  4. However , I also have the problem that I can not see the customized emoticon and receive file .


  5. However , in the aspects of language use and emoticon features , male and female bloggers have different features respectively .


  6. As a non-verbal element in network communication , QQ emoticon has increasingly shown its great vitality .


  7. Human use language , emoticon , hand signal , posture and other symbol sign to interactive and transmit information .


  8. Around 2008 , netizens brought it back to life as a perfect emoticon for online chatting .


  9. So it ' snecessary to do system research on emoticon of instant messaging .


  10. An emoticon is a textual portrayal of a writer 's mood or facial expression .


  11. Well , I 've noticed you sometimes put a smile emoticon at the end of messages on WeChat .


  12. Just send it , not smiling with eyes but with an one-eyed emoticon slightly


  13. If you receive an emoticon from someone you don 't know very well , it may be interpreted as creepy .


  14. You don 't have to remember the keystroke-just click the emoticon you would like to send to a friend .


  15. With a sad emoticon where he 's crying


  16. In recent years , QQ emoticon influences more and more , becoming a communication pattern in Computer-Mediated Communication , having a large user base with high viscosity .


  17. The rabbit has become the default emoticon on WeChat , the messaging platform operated by Tencent , China 's social network and gaming powerhouse .


  18. From character emoticon to cartoon emoticon , from the static text to dynamic images , QQ emoticon constantly improves its artistic and interest in all aspects .


  19. I have never knowingly used an emoticon in my life , and instantly knock a couple of points off the IQ of anyone who deploys them .


  20. One user of Weibo , China 's version of Twitter , responded with an emoticon of a face picking its nose and asked : " Is this really the reason ? "


  21. With the competition becomes more intense , advertising needs a new vehicle and new propagation mode , in order to achieve better advertising effectiveness . So QQ emoticon has developed rapidly in the field of online advertising .


  22. Emoticon is the remarkable characteristic , and the use of it in chat rooms can not only save the chatters ' face but also make online communication more vivid , humorous and colorful .


  23. The post read : " Our destiny as husband and wife ends here . I 'm well . You take care , too . " The 44-year-old pop diva also attached a smiling emoticon .


  24. Among his sales was " Not Too Clever Emoticon , " a 2013 sculpture made from a glass-panel heater by the gallery 's artist Rob Chavasse , priced at £ 4000 .


  25. In 2012 Kakao Talk , the messaging app used by more than 90 per cent of smartphone owners in South Korea , adopted Tuzki as a paid-for emoticon , turning him into a household name .


  26. The previous studies generally focus on the emoticon per se , or the users of emoticons , but the relation between the emoticon and the verbal text , and the ways relating the reader and the text are left untouched .


  27. ' In an unguarded moment , we caught you wearing nine watches , ' musician Zhao Tianming wrote on Weibo , turning Mr. Yang 's words against him and slapping on a laughing emoticon for good measure .


  28. As emoji and their relative the emoticon have rocketed from web slang to the unofficial language of the Internet age , the case is one of a growing number where authorities contend the cartoonish symbols have been used to stalk , harass , threaten or defame people .
