
美 [ˈempəθaɪzɪŋ]英 [ˈempəθaɪzɪŋ]
  • v.产生共鸣;有同感;表同情
  • empathize的现在分词



  • 2
    VERB 有同感;产生共鸣;移情
    If you empathize with someone, you understand their situation, problems, and feelings, because you have been in a similar situation.

    I clearly empathize with the people who live in those neighborhoods...


  1. Transference On Empathizing Experience of Political - Ideology Education On Mediation Method


  2. Meanwhile , the influence of the students'competence of empathizing and sharing is also investigated in the research .


  3. Sometimes even the listening and empathizing can help you pull out of things on your own .


  4. She 's too busy empathizing with whatever they 're experiencing in their lives .


  5. In the current economy , we see people pulling together , empathizing with the work and personal challenges their colleagues are facing , and doing what they can to help .


  6. The exploration of principle of method of empathizing experience in political - ideology education and way of the implementation will exert a positive and far - reaching influence on political - ideology education .


  7. Good writers differ from poor writers in the use of strategies of adjusting or approximating the message , using circumlocution or synonym , discussing feelings with others , and empathizing with others .


  8. by plying them as they transition from a soldier back to a citizen , ... and by empathizing with the new journey they are starting even though we will never fully understand the journey they just completed .


  9. And I really do believe that even though you can 't know exactly what 's going on in the mind of a pig . or your pug or your partner , that that shouldn 't stop you from empathizing with them .


  10. Mr. Sanders suggests paying special attention to others ' facial expressions in videoconferences , stopping the conversation to acknowledge their feelings if necessary . Empathizing with others ' feelings creates a sense of connection . A common mistake people make on video is to play the comedian .


  11. In return , Giovanni told me that empathizing Italians say L'ho provato sulla mia pelle , which means " I have experienced that on my own skin . " Meaning , I have also been burned or scarred in this way , and I know exactly what you 're going through .
