- n.内胚层;内胚层,内皮层,下胚层

The distribution of B cells supported the theory that the B cells originated from the endoderm .
Liver origins from endoderm and is an important hematopoietic organ in embryo .
AP began to appear in the posterior endoderm of 24-h larvae .
Pancreatic endoderm derived from human embryonic stem cells generates glucose-responsive insulin-secreting cells in vivo .
These epithelial elements arise embryologically from foregut endoderm in the process of bronchial tubular growth .
In 36 ~ 48 hr larvae , AP expressed strongly in the whole endoderm except the pharynx region .
AIM To analyze the differentiation features of embryonic stem cells ( ESCs ) induced by visceral endoderm - like END-2 cell .
The positive reaction in the ectoderm is stronger than the endoderm in the phase of gastrulae .
They had never been found elsewhere but in the intestinal epithelium and this phenomenon supports the theory that EC cells are derived from endoderm .
The gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 19 present in fetal intestine and differentiation from the endoderm to the tumor cell membrane .
Targeting anti-CD54 microbubbles to atherosclerotic plaques and endoderm of abdominal aorta for ultrasonic enhancement in rabbits
It is strongly expressed in the heart primordium , head mesoderm and weakly in the differentiating endoderm at segmentation stage .
The results showed that symbiotic algae were found predominantly in the endoderm of the tentacles and were located within vacuoles in host cells .
ConclusionsThe application of anti-CD54-containing microbubbles can improve the diagnostic value of atherosclerosis by the enhanced image of endoderm and plaques .
CONCLUSION : ① It was at the end of 3rd week that part of endoderm cells in foregut ventral were specialized to hepatic stem cells .
The study of direct differentiation of mice embryonic stem cells into cardiomyocytes induced by tgf - β _1 and co-culture with visceral endoderm like end-2 cells
Results In vivo PGCs were large with ovoid or irregular shape , located in mesemchyma under the endoderm of yolk sac .
The residual cells were able to form teratoma at the injection site , and mature endoderm , mesoderm and ectoderm tissues could be found in teratoma tissues .
Gastrulation of vertebrate embryos is the fundamental morphogenetic movement through which the three germ layers form : ectoderm , mesoderm and endoderm .
Migratory mode : from endoderm of yolk sac to endoderm of intestinal area is passive , from dorsal mesentery to genital ridge is active .
When an animal develops , embryos form three cellular or germ layers-ectoderm , endoderm and mesoderm-which then go on to form the body 's organs and tissues .
The migratory path of PGCs is : endoderm of yolk sac → endoderm of intestinal area → dorsal mesentery → genital ridge .
Embryonic stem cells ( ESCs ) have the capacity to self-renew and differentiate into cells of all tissue types ( ectoderm , mesoderm , and endoderm ) .
Ectoderm becomes skin and nerves , endoderm becomes the gut and organs such as the liver , pancreas and thymus , and mesoderm becomes muscle , bones and blood .
The fore-gut and hind-gut are of ectodermal origin and the mid-gut arises from endoderm .
We in turn to explore whether the codon usage , genomic GC content , gene distribution , and gene age are also correlated with the developmental stage - related patterns of gene expression in differentiation processes of endoderm .
Conclusion : Added TGF - β _ 1 co-cultured with visceral endoderm like END-2 cell could achieve a synergistic effect on the differentiation of ESCs into the cardiomyocytes , and could get a higher induction efficiency .
When cultured as aggregates embryoid bodies derived from ES cells recapitulate early steps of embryo development in structure including formation of endoderm on the surface of the inner cell mass differentiation of columnar epithelium and formation of central cavity .
Germ layer & One of three distinct layers of cells that arise in the inner cell mass , the ectoderm , mesoderm , and endoderm , each of which develops into a distinctly different tissue in the embryo .
Lung development begins with the outgrowth of paired lung buds from the foregut endoderm that invade the surrounding mesodermal mesenchyme in a genetically predetermined pattern of branching morphogenesis and lung specific cell differentiation .