extramarital sex

美 [ˌekstrəˈmærɪtl seks]英 [ˌekstrəˈmærɪtl seks]
  • 网络婚外性行为;婚外性关系
extramarital sexextramarital sex


sexual intercourse between individuals who are not married to one another
Synonym: free love


  1. Perhaps as a result , extramarital sex is on the increase .


  2. But they are more likely to occur during extramarital sex .


  3. On the Extramarital Sex Acts and their Social Control in Tang Dynasty


  4. But on the topic of extramarital sex they have become stricter .


  5. The incidence of different types of extramarital sex ranged as follows : love objects , friends , strangers and others .


  6. The same pattern is visible with other female sex partners and among married conscripts who have extramarital sex .


  7. There are two ways of sexual vanguard , antemarital sex and extramarital sex . All of the behaviors can influence the population control .


  8. That instinct may be especially strong on the intensely private issue of extramarital sex , which people tend to view as a problem concerning only the couple involved .


  9. One is what might be called ' infidelity overload . ' Scan the plots on any given week in television , and there seems to be more extramarital sex than marital sex .


  10. Part ⅴ, sexual attitude , studies attitudes on premarital sex and extramarital sex for female graduate students , and reflects the " sex " concept and the " sexual " behavior attitude for female graduate student .


  11. The so-called " loyalty agreement " is both sides of the couple who agreed scrupulously to abide the loyal obligation without extramarital sex . Anyone who violate the agreement , the fault will compensates economic compensation to the no-fault party .


  12. They had extramarital and premarital sex behavior as well as non-marriage sexual partners . A Comparison of Psychological Well-being between Forced Bachelor and Married Male


  13. In five years it would do away with divorce and re-establish the prestige of the home . They had extramarital and premarital sex behavior as well as non-marriage sexual partners .


  14. Sexual Deprivation : There are women who get involved in extramarital relationships purely for sex .
