
美 [aɪ]英 [aɪ]
  • n.眼睛;视力;眼光;有…眼睛的;眼力;风眼;有…只眼的;芽眼;针鼻儿;风纪扣扣眼
  • vt.注视;审视;细看

复数: eyes 过去式: eyed 现在分词: eyeing;eying 过去分词: eyed 第三人称单数: eyes



身体部位 part of body


either of the two organs on the face that you see with

The suspect has dark hair and green eyes.


to close/open your eyes

闭上 / 睁开眼睛

to drop/lower your eyes (= to look down)


There were tears in his eyes.


I have something in my eye.


to make/avoid eye contact with sb (= to look/avoid looking at them at the same time as they look at you)

与 / 避免与某人目光接触

All eyes were on him (= everyone was looking at him) as he walked on to the stage.



having the type or number of eyes mentioned

a blue-eyed blonde


a one-eyed monster


视力 ability to see


the ability to see

A surgeon needs a good eye and a steady hand.


眼光 way of seeing


a particular way of seeing sth

He looked at the design with the eye of an engineer.


She viewed the findings with a critical eye.


To my eye , the windows seem out of proportion.


针 of needle


the hole in the end of a needle that you put the thread through

衣服 on clothes


a small thin piece of metal curved round, that a small hook fits into, used for fastening clothes

It fastens with a hook and eye .


风暴 of storm


a calm area at the centre of a storm, etc.

马铃薯 on potato


a dark mark on a potato from which another plant will grow


to be watching sb/sth carefully and with a lot of interest

in sb's presence; in front of sb

He had seen his life's work destroyed before his very eyes.

to have a lot of sth to deal with

We're up to our eyes in work.

to look at or examine sth quickly

Could you just run your eyes over this report?

to see sb/sth

I haven't clapped eyes on them for weeks.

I hope I never set eyes on this place again!


used to say that you should punish sb by doing to them what they have done to you or to sb else

used to say that sb has been greedy by taking more food than they can eat

to be seen only by a particular person

I'll lend you the letters but they're for your eyes only.

to practise so that you are able to judge more clearly how fast and where the ball is going

to be able to judge if things look attractive, valuable, etc.

I've never had much of an eye for fashion.

She has an eye for a bargain.


to be aware of everything that is happening around you, even things that seem difficult or impossible to see

to be able to notice or see everything

She's bound to notice that chipped glass. The woman has eyes like a hawk!

to look at or watch sth while doing sth else, especially in a secret way so that other people do not notice

During his talk, most of the delegates had one eye on the clock.

to be thinking about buying sth

according to the law, most people in the world, etc.

in sb's opinion or according to the way that they see the situation

She can do no wrong in her father's eyes.

to take care of sb/sth and make sure that they are not harmed, damaged, etc.

We've asked the neighbours to keep an eye on the house for us while we are away.

to look for sb/sth while you are doing other things

Police have asked residents to keep an eye out for anything suspicious.

to continue to give your attention to what is most important

to look carefully for sb/sth

We kept our eyes peeled for any signs of life.

to look straight at sb without feeling embarrassed or ashamed

Can you look me in the eye and tell me you're not lying?

I'll never be able to look her in the face again!


to look at sb in a way that shows that you find them sexually attractive

He's definitely giving you the eye!

used to show that you do not believe sb/sth

‘It's an antique.’ ‘An antique, my eye!’

to not share the same views as sb about sth

to find sb/sth so interesting, attractive, etc. that you watch them all the time

a result, action, etc. that represents a defeat or disappointment for sb/sth

The appointment of a woman was one in the eye for male domination.

to be in love with only one particular person

He's only ever had eyes for his wife.

to think about or see sth the way that another person sees it

Try looking at it through her eyes for a change.

to pretend that you have not noticed sth so that you do not have to deal with it

to stop giving your attention to what is most important

being watched carefully by sb

The children played under the watchful eye of their father.

if a person does not know about sth that they would normally disapprove of, then it cannot hurt them

What does it matter if I use his flat while he's away? What the eye doesn't see…!

with the hope of using a particular situation in order to gain some advantage for yourself

with the intention of doing sth

He bought the warehouse with an eye to converting it into a hotel.

fully aware of the possible problems or results of a particular course of action

I went into this with my eyes open so I guess I only have myself to blame.

having enough experience to be able to do sth easily

I've made this trip so often, I could do it with my eyes shut.

a person or thing that is loved more than any other

to open and close your eyes quickly, in a way that is supposed to be attractive

people all have different ideas about what is beautiful

to be very surprised at sth you hear/see

I couldn't believe my eyes when she walked in.

a view of sth from a high position looking down

very quickly; in a short time

to attract sb's attention

Can you catch the waiter's eye?

to watch sb/sth carefully

Over the next few months we will keep a close eye on sales.

to look at or listen to sb/sth carefully and with a lot of attention

to see sth by accident or not very clearly because you see it from the side of your eye and are not looking straight at it

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him coming closer.

used to say that everyone was very emotional about sth

There wasn't a dry eye in the house when they announced their engagement.

pleasant to listen to or look at

to the horizon (= where the sky meets the land or sea)

The bleak moorland stretched on all sides as far as the eye could see.

to be very obvious to sb

your imagination

He pictured the scene in his mind's eye.

the normal power of your eyes without the help of an instrument

The planet should be visible with/to the naked eye .

to be quick to notice or hear things

to realize or make sb realize the truth about sth

Travelling really opens your eyes to other cultures.

to be very attractive to look at

well known to many people through newspapers and television

She doesn't want her children growing up in the public eye.

to try to trick sb; to hide your real actions or intentions from sb

to always be looking for the chance to have a new sexual relationship

a person or thing that you are pleased to see; something that is very pleasant to look at

very quickly


【不规则形式】eyeing or eying eyed eyed

to look at sb/sth carefully, especially because you want sth or you are suspicious of sth

to eye sb suspiciously


He couldn't help eyeing the cakes hungrily.


They eyed us with alarm.





  • 1
    N-COUNT 眼睛
    Your eyes are the parts of your body with which you see.

    I opened my eyes and looked...


  • 2
    VERB 打量;端详
    If you eye someone or something in a particular way, you look at them carefully in that way.

    Sally eyed Claire with interest...


  • 3
    N-COUNT 眼光;眼力;鉴赏力
    You use eye when you are talking about a person's ability to judge things or about the way in which they are considering or dealing with things.

    William was a man of discernment, with an eye for quality...


  • 4
    N-COUNT (电)眼;(红外)眼;眼状探测装置
    An electric eye or infrared eye is a device which can recognize the presence of people or objects by detecting the light or heat coming from them.

    An infra-red eye is said to detect the movement of any animal within an angle of 110 degrees at up to 10 metres.


  • 5
    N-SING 拍摄对象;镜头
    People sometimes talk about the eye of the camera when they are talking about something being filmed or photographed, or the way something appears in a photograph or film.

    I was again using the cold, unflinching eye of the camera to probe a sick society.


  • 6
    N-COUNT (马铃薯的)芽眼
    An eye on a potato is one of the dark spots from which new stems grow.

  • 7
    N-COUNT 扣眼;钩眼
    An eye is a small metal loop which a hook fits into, as a fastening on a piece of clothing.

  • 8
    N-COUNT 针眼;针鼻儿
    The eye of a needle is the small hole at one end which the thread passes through.

  • 9
    N-SING 风眼;气旋中心
    The eye of a storm, tornado, or hurricane is the centre of it.

    The eye of the hurricane hit Florida just south of Miami.


  • 10
    See also:black eye;private eye;shut-eye

  • 11
    PHRASE 在…眼皮底下;就在…眼前
    If you say that something happens before your eyes ,in front of your eyes, or under your eyes, you are emphasizing that it happens where you can see it clearly and often implying that it is surprising or unpleasant.

    A lot of them died in front of our eyes...


  • 12
    PHRASE 瞟一眼;匆匆查看;浏览
    If you cast your eye or run your eye over something, you look at it or read it quickly.

    I would be grateful if he could cast an expert eye over it and tell me what he thought of it...


  • 13
    PHRASE 闯入眼帘;突然引起…的注意
    If something catches your eye, you suddenly notice it.

    As she turned back, a movement across the lawn caught her eye.


  • 14
    PHRASE 吸引…的注意
    If you catch someone's eye, you do something to attract their attention, so that you can speak to them.

    I tried to catch Chrissie's eye to find out what she was playing at.


  • 15
    PHRASE 看见;瞧见
    To clap eyes on someone or something, or set or lay eyes on them, means to see them.

    That's probably the most bare and bleak island I've ever had the misfortune to clap eyes on...


  • 16
    PHRASE 与…目光交流/躲避…的目光
    If you make eye contact with someone, you look at them at the same time as they look at you, so that you are both aware that you are looking at each other. If you avoid eye contact with someone, you deliberately do not look straight at them because you feel awkward or embarrassed.

    She was looking at me across the room, and we made eye contact several times...


  • 17
    PHRASE 对…视而不见;不理会
    If you close your eyes to something bad or if you shut your eyes to it, you ignore it.

    Most governments must simply be shutting their eyes to the problem.


  • 18
    PHRASE 痛哭
    If you cry your eyes out, you cry very hard.

  • 19
    PHRASE 以眼还眼;以牙还牙;一报还一报
    You say 'an eye for an eye' or 'an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth' to refer to the idea that people should be punished according to the way in which they offended, for example if they hurt someone, they should be hurt equally badly in return.

    ...a very simple punishment code based on an-eye-for-an-eye.


  • 20
    PHRASE 望不到边;一望无垠
    If there is something as far as the eye can see, there is a lot of it and you cannot see anything else beyond it.

    Here, massive dunes stretched in every direction as far as the eye could see...


  • 21
    PHRASE 对…有眼力;对…有鉴别力
    If you say that someone has an eye for something, you mean that they are good at noticing it or making judgments about it.

    Susan has a keen eye for detail, so each dress is beautifully finished off.


  • 22
    PHRASE 在…眼里;在…看来
    You use expressions such as in his eyes or to her eyes to indicate that you are reporting someone's opinion and that other people might think differently.

    The other serious problem in the eyes of the new government is communalism...


  • 23
    PHRASE 留意;瞪大眼睛;密切注意
    If you keep your eyes open or keep an eye out for someone or something, you watch for them carefully.

    I ask the mounted patrol to keep their eyes open...


  • 24
    PHRASE 密切留意
    If you tell someone to keep their eyes peeled for something, you are telling them to watch very carefully for it.

  • 25
    PHRASE 留意;密切注意
    If you keep an eye on something or someone, you watch them carefully, for example to make sure that they are satisfactory or safe, or not causing trouble.

    I'm sure you will appreciate that we must keep a careful eye on all our running costs...


  • 26
    PHRASE 含情脉脉地看着;向…抛媚眼
    If you make eyes at someone, you look at them in a way which shows that you find them attractive and which is intended to get their attention.

  • 27
    PHRASE (事情)比看起来复杂
    You say 'there's more to this than meets the eye' when you think a situation is not as simple as it seems to be.

    This whole business is very puzzling. There is a lot more to it than meets the eye.


  • 28
    PHRASE (尤指令人吃惊的或印象深刻的事情)映入…的眼帘,呈现在…眼前
    If something, especially something surprising or impressive, meets your eyes, you see it.

    The first sight that met my eyes on reaching the front door was the church enveloped in flames.


  • 29
    PHRASE 所有目光都聚集在…上;所有人都在关注
    If you say that all eyes are on something or that the eyes of the world are on something, you mean that everyone is paying careful attention to it and what will happen.

    All eyes will be on tomorrow's vote...


  • 30
    PHRASE 注视;密切注意
    If someone has their eye on you, they are watching you carefully to see what you do.

    As the boat plodded into British waters and up the English Channel, Customs had their eye on her.


  • 31
    PHRASE 看上;相中
    If you have your eye on something, you want to have it.

    ...if you're saving up for a new outfit you've had your eye on.


  • 32
    PHRASE 心中有数;心知肚明
    If you say that you did something with your eyes open or with your eyes wide open, you mean that you knew about the problems and difficulties that you were likely to have.

    We want all our members to undertake this trip responsibly, with their eyes open.


  • 33
    PHRASE 使…看清楚;使…恍然大悟
    If something opens your eyes, it makes you aware that something is different from the way that you thought it was.

    Watching your child explore the world about her can open your eyes to delights long forgotten.


  • 34
    PHR-RECIP 与…看法一致
    If you see eye to eye with someone, you agree with them and have the same opinions and views.

    Yuriko saw eye to eye with Yul on almost every aspect of the production...


  • 35
    PHRASE 争议的中心;风口浪尖
    If you say that someone or something is at the eye of the storm, you mean they are the main subject of a public disagreement.

    The bowlers at the eye of the storm were nowhere in evidence.


  • 36
    PHRASE 将…的视线从…上移开
    When you take your eyes off the thing you have been watching or looking at, you stop looking at it.

    She took her eyes off the road to glance at me...


  • 37
    PHRASE 以…的视角
    If someone sees or considers something through your eyes, they consider it in the way that you do, from your point of view.

    She tried to see things through his eyes...


  • 38
    PHRASE 深陷于…中;(常指)忙得不可开交
    If you say that you are up to your eyes in something, you are emphasizing that you have a lot of it to deal with, and often that you are very busy.

    I am up to my eyes in work...


  • 39
    the apple of your eye→ see:apple


a small hole or loop (as in a needle)
the thread wouldn't go through the eye
the organ of sight
Synonym: oculus optic
good discernment (either visually or as if visually)
she has an eye for fresh talent
he has an artist's eye
attention to what is seen
he tried to catch her eye
an area that is approximately central within some larger region
it is in the center of town
they ran forward into the heart of the struggle
they were in the eye of the storm
Synonym: center centre middle heart


look at
Synonym: eyeball


  1. The first rule is to make eye contact with your interviewer .


  2. The eye is one of the most delicate organs of the body .


  3. I hope I never set eyes on this place again !


  4. We 're up to our eyes in work .


  5. Try looking at it through her eyes for a change .


  6. Could you just run your eyes over this report ?


  7. The expression in her eyes told me something was wrong .


  8. Don 't strain your eyes by reading in poor light .


  9. The eyes of the world are on the President .


  10. Such fine work requires a good eye and a steady hand .


  11. She doesn 't want her children growing up in the public eye .


  12. She could see herself reflected in his eyes .


  13. He had seen his life 's work destroyed before his very eyes .


  14. His eyes were fixed on a small house in the middle distance .


  15. In most people 's eyes she was nothing more than a common criminal .


  16. After a few minutes our eyes got used to the darkness .


  17. She can do no wrong in her father 's eyes .


  18. A surgeon needs a good eye and a steady hand .


  19. There 's something the matter with my eyes .


  20. The child was watching it all with big round eyes .


  21. She rolled her eyes by way of an answer and left .


  22. Close your eyes and imagine you are in a forest .


  23. He took one smell of the liquid and his eyes began to water .


  24. She raised her eyes from her work .


  25. The smoke made my eyes water .


  26. My eyes were drawn to the man in the corner .


  27. Keep your eyes to the front and walk straight ahead .


  28. I shut my eyes and tried to go to sleep .


  29. His eyes showed open admiration as he looked at her .


  30. Our eyes were burning from the chemicals in the air .


  • 短语动词
  • 习语



eye sb↔up

to look at sb in a way that shows you have a special interest in them, especially a sexual interest


be all eyes

to be watching sb/sth carefully and with a lot of interest

before/in front of sb's (very) eyes

in sb's presence; in front of sb

He had seen his life's work destroyed before his very eyes.


be up to your eyes in sth

to have a lot of sth to deal with

We're up to our eyes in work.


cast/run an eye/your eyes over sth

to look at or examine sth quickly

Could you just run your eyes over this report?


clap/lay/set eyes on sb/sth

to see sb/sth

I haven't clapped eyes on them for weeks.


I hope I never set eyes on this place again!


an eye for an eye (and a tooth for a tooth)

used to say that you should punish sb by doing to them what they have done to you or to sb else

sb's eyes are bigger than their stomach

used to say that sb has been greedy by taking more food than they can eat

for sb's eyes only

to be seen only by a particular person

I'll lend you the letters but they're for your eyes only.


get your eye in

to practise so that you are able to judge more clearly how fast and where the ball is going

have an eye for sth

to be able to judge if things look attractive, valuable, etc.

I've never had much of an eye for fashion.


She has an eye for a bargain.


have eyes in the back of your head

to be aware of everything that is happening around you, even things that seem difficult or impossible to see

have (got) eyes like a hawk

to be able to notice or see everything

She's bound to notice that chipped glass. The woman has eyes like a hawk!


have one eye/half an eye on sth

to look at or watch sth while doing sth else, especially in a secret way so that other people do not notice

During his talk, most of the delegates had one eye on the clock.


have your eye on sb


to be watching sb carefully, especially to check that they do not do anything wrong


to be thinking about asking sb out, offering sb a job, etc. because you think they are attractive, good at their job, etc.

He's got his eye on the new girl in your class.


have your eye on sth

to be thinking about buying sth

in the eyes of the law, world, etc.

according to the law, most people in the world, etc.

in sb's eyes

in sb's opinion or according to the way that they see the situation

She can do no wrong in her father's eyes.


keep an eye on sb/sth

to take care of sb/sth and make sure that they are not harmed, damaged, etc.

We've asked the neighbours to keep an eye on the house for us while we are away.


keep an eye open/out (for sb/sth)

to look for sb/sth while you are doing other things

Police have asked residents to keep an eye out for anything suspicious.


keep your eye on the ball

to continue to give your attention to what is most important

keep your eyes peeled/skinned (for sb/sth)

to look carefully for sb/sth

We kept our eyes peeled for any signs of life.


look sb in the eye(s)/face

to look straight at sb without feeling embarrassed or ashamed

Can you look me in the eye and tell me you're not lying?


I'll never be able to look her in the face again!


give sb the eye

to look at sb in a way that shows that you find them sexually attractive

He's definitely giving you the eye!


my eye!

used to show that you do not believe sb/sth

‘It's an antique.’ ‘An antique, my eye!’


not see eye to eye with sb (on sth)

to not share the same views as sb about sth

not (be able to) take your eyes off sb/sth

to find sb/sth so interesting, attractive, etc. that you watch them all the time

one in the eye (for sb/sth)

a result, action, etc. that represents a defeat or disappointment for sb/sth

The appointment of a woman was one in the eye for male domination.


only have eyes for/have eyes only for sb

to be in love with only one particular person

He's only ever had eyes for his wife.


see, look at, etc. sth through sb's eyes

to think about or see sth the way that another person sees it

Try looking at it through her eyes for a change.


shut/close your eyes to sth

to pretend that you have not noticed sth so that you do not have to deal with it

take your eye off the ball

to stop giving your attention to what is most important

under the (watchful) eye of sb

being watched carefully by sb

The children played under the watchful eye of their father.


what the eye doesn't see (the heart doesn't grieve over)

if a person does not know about sth that they would normally disapprove of, then it cannot hurt them

What does it matter if I use his flat while he's away? What the eye doesn't see…!


with an eye for/on/to the main chance

with the hope of using a particular situation in order to gain some advantage for yourself

with an eye to sth/to doing sth

with the intention of doing sth

He bought the warehouse with an eye to converting it into a hotel.


with your eyes open

fully aware of the possible problems or results of a particular course of action

I went into this with my eyes open so I guess I only have myself to blame.


with your eyes shut/closed

having enough experience to be able to do sth easily

I've made this trip so often, I could do it with my eyes shut.


the apple of sb's eye

a person or thing that is loved more than any other

bat your eyes/eyelashes

to open and close your eyes quickly, in a way that is supposed to be attractive

beauty is in the eye of the beholder

people all have different ideas about what is beautiful

not believe your ears/eyes

to be very surprised at sth you hear/see

I couldn't believe my eyes when she walked in.


a bird's-eye view (of sth)

a view of sth from a high position looking down

turn a blind eye (to sth)

to pretend not to notice sth bad that is happening, so you do not have to do anything about it

in the blink of an eye

very quickly; in a short time

catch sb's eye

to attract sb's attention

Can you catch the waiter's eye?


keep a close eye/watch on sb/sth

to watch sb/sth carefully

Over the next few months we will keep a close eye on sales.


cock an ear/eye at sth/sb

to look at or listen to sb/sth carefully and with a lot of attention

see sth out of the corner of your eye

to see sth by accident or not very clearly because you see it from the side of your eye and are not looking straight at it

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him coming closer.


not a dry eye in the house

used to say that everyone was very emotional about sth

There wasn't a dry eye in the house when they announced their engagement.


easy on the ear/eye

好听 / 好看的;悦耳 / 悦目的
pleasant to listen to or look at

as far as the eye can/could see

to the horizon (= where the sky meets the land or sea)

The bleak moorland stretched on all sides as far as the eye could see.


feast your eyes (on sb/sth)

to look at sb/sth and get great pleasure

hit sb (straight/right) in the eye

to be very obvious to sb

meet sb's eye(s)

your mind's eye

your imagination

He pictured the scene in his mind's eye.


the naked eye

the normal power of your eyes without the help of an instrument

The planet should be visible with/to the naked eye .


keep your ears/eyes open (for sth)

to be quick to notice or hear things

open your/sb's eyes (to sth)

to realize or make sb realize the truth about sth

Travelling really opens your eyes to other cultures.


please the eye

to be very attractive to look at

in the public eye

well known to many people through newspapers and television

She doesn't want her children growing up in the public eye.


pull the wool over sb's eyes

to try to trick sb; to hide your real actions or intentions from sb

have a roving eye

to always be looking for the chance to have a new sexual relationship

a sight for sore eyes

a person or thing that you are pleased to see; something that is very pleasant to look at

in the twinkling of an eye

very quickly

keep a weather eye on sb/sth

to watch sb/sth carefully in case you need to take action