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  • abbr.芬兰;芬兰航空公司
  1. Finnair resumed passenger flight services between Shanghai and Helsinki on Thursday .


  2. Warmly welcome on board with Finnair 's brand new aircraft A340 from Shanghai via Helsinki to Europe !


  3. The biggest challenge , says Finnair , is the airport authorities ' requirements for paper boarding passes at the airport service points .


  4. On average , says Finnair , about 75 per cent of customers that receive a message go ahead with the SMS check-in .


  5. Finnair , the struggling Finnish airline , introduced staggered layoffs , sending two-thirds of its 9000 workers home for an average of two weeks .


  6. In addition to Flight 13 , most airlines avoid using 666 , the Biblical ' number of the beast . ' But not Finnair , which whimsically flies Flight 666 from Copenhagen to Helsinki .


  7. Finnair said in a statement that it has carried the number for years : ' The 666 superstition is not such a big thing here in Finland , and we 've never had a reason to change the flight number , so it stays . '


  8. The remainder of the top 10 in terms of the world 's safest airlines was Air New Zealand , British Airways , Cathay Pacific , Emirates , Etihad Airways , EVA Air , Finnair , Lufthansa and Singapore Airlines .
