- adj.愉快的;心情舒畅的

I the walkers were good-humoured despite the bad weather .
Charles was brave and remarkably good-humoured
Miss Sophy was a fresh , good-humoured , buxom girl of twenty .
Good-humoured , talkative , he prefers any company rather than none .
What about the companion ? asked Joyce - the stout woman with the good-humoured face .
But there is no reason to doubt that the sharp , good-humoured Mr Blankfein remains popular with colleagues .
His countenance was thoroughly good-humoured ; and his manners were as friendly as the style of his letter .
The best way to approach them therefore is to leap directly into light , good-humoured conversation and make them laugh . You 've missed out one word .
Pleasant , good-humoured , unaffected girls .
To think of her was to get good-humoured ; to speak of her was to raise the image of a dried Normandy pippin .
He enquired in a friendly , though general way , after her family , and looked and spoke with the same good-humoured ease that he had ever done .
Good-humoured mockery seems to be a proper rod but great caution and skill are necessary in the use of it or you may happen to catch a tartar .
But Nikolay 's good-humoured na ? vet é was so limitless that at times the husband could not help being drawn into his gay humour .
She was hasty , but good-humoured ; vain , but not affectted .
But at Allah Made Me Funny 's show in London only a few atheists and a lone Jew identified themselves in response to a good-humoured request from the stage .
It was as though in this circle the utter insignificance of these prominent persons was so completely accepted that the only attitude possible towards them was one of good-humoured hilarity .
The following day , Vuk Jeremic , Serbia 's foreign minister , hosted a good-humoured meeting of his Croatian , Bosnian and Montenegrin counterparts in Belgrade .
Lydia was a stout , well-grown girl of fifteen , with a fine and good-humoured countenance ; a favourite with her mother , whose affection had brought her into public at an early age .
For the Moscow world , Pierre was the most delightful , kind-hearted , intellectual , good-humoured , and generous eccentric , and a heedless and genial Russian gentleman of the good old school .
At the US London embassy the ticket-based queueing system was well organised , there was free coffee , the consular staff who interviewed me were good-humoured and my passport was returned with a fresh visa just three days later .
And in times of difficulty , when we true men feel we can stand no more , she will be calm and good-humoured , and relying on her valour , I will take an-other deep breath and dash ahead .