- v.(使)变灰色;成为灰色或灰白
- n.灰色系列(gray 的复数)
- gray的第三人称单数

The truth is that life is nearly all grays .
Sonar Image Recognition Based on Dominant Grays
He abandoned the grays of the natural world .
I picked four colors as a base . I chose a white , black and two grays .
White , black , and grays possess no hue .
The simplest form of dynamic UI is one that grays out menu items or buttons that are unavailable .
Christ Michael : These scientists , Anunnaki , and now your little grays , cannot create the Spirit of Life .
Researchers calculated cancer risk in relation to how much energy from I-131was absorbed by each person 's thyroid , measured in grays .
Located on Grays Harbor , it has lumbering , fishing , and shipping industries . Population , 16,565 .
The composition is painted in a soft range of grays , and once again Zhang employs a symbolic and mysterious use of color .
The artist has again eliminated all natural color from the image , depicting the Great Helmsman in dark grays and blacks .
At nearby port of grays harbor a Midwestern soyabean co-operative is adding storage for 50000 tonnes of grain .
I pulled it with a horse called Max who was used to the tight rein.But those four months pulling Lady Grays carriage were terrible .
Do you prefer grays and blues ?
This countryside , the lake and its islands , this composition of greens and grays and blues , was fused within him .
My parents taught my younger sister and me how to understand our surroundings , pointing out pine trees from oaks , red squirrels from grays .
Doses of irradiation were between 10 and 30 grays , the elongation growth of shoot tip was inhibited , but no lethality or other symptoms .
When Twala sees incubu flashing his ax in the first rank of the grays , his heart will grow faint .
But to you , at least , m.debray , I need not give a further description , because to you my beautiful pair of dappled grays were well known .
But looking " good " might mean keeping a warm tint from the sun to warm the grays , so it can be hard to know where to click with that pipette .
In Zeng 's studio , there is a square canvas , two meters on a side , painted in black and white with a full range of grays resulting from their blending ;
Water seeping through porous rock interacts with copper , aluminum , and iron , over time creating a striking range of dark and light blues , greens , grays , yellows , and even white .
In 1910 , he painted " Rio Tinto Factories at L'Estaque , " a Cubist study in grays and browns that is now in the collection of the Pompidou Center .
For its software , Amazon took a version of Google 's ( GOOG ) Android operating system ( for the hardcore , codenamed " Gingerbread ") and built a new user interface dominated by grays and orange .
The corner features are extracted by using fast corner detection method . The rough matching corresponded points are achieved by computing the correlation of bi-directional grays . Then the precise matching is achieved by using the epipolar constraint and the fundamental matrix .
Handwritten signs and garment tags added a personal touch without being explicitly male or female , as did the abstract sculptures made by Toogood in fleshy pinks on the men 's fashion floor , and somber grays on the women 's.
In this algorithm , watermark , a disordered bi-level image , is embedded into images with multiple levels of grays by modifying the difference value between coefficients and the mean of their neighbors , the strength of watermark is adjusted adaptively according to the character of the image .
Red-green colorblindness is the most common form of colorblindness , and red-green colorblindness means that much of the whole color spectrum can be affected with confusion happening between reds , greens , oranges , browns , purples , pinks and grays .