The Pacific Ocean Hagfish has a disgusting way of defending itself .
To make it easier , the hagfish tie their rear end into a knot which is bigger than the hole .
We 've mentioned hagfish here before , but being around for 300 million years gives you plenty of time to develop more than one interesting trait .
The hagfish , unfortunately , sometimes falls prey to its own defense mechanism , but normally it twists itself into knots to escape the gelatinous goop .
VLRs are leucine-rich repeat ( LRR ) proteins that mediate adaptive immunity in jawless vertebrates ( hagfish and lamprey ) .
There 's one talent possessed by these gooey not-really-fishes that we 've never covered - hagfish are able to tie themselves in knots , an ability that comes in useful both in defense and when catching prey .
When hagfish hunt , they do so by searching for fish burrows . When they find a fish hiding in a hole , they lunge face-first into the hole to pull it out .
If they 're being held at one end , they 'll tie the free end into a knot . They can then push the knot up their body , and when it reaches whatever 's gripping the hagfish , the knot pushes against the predator and pulls the hagfish free .