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  • v.协调;(使)和谐,(使……与……)协调,(使)相称;以和声唱歌或演奏


bring into consonance, harmony, or accord while making music or singing
Synonym: harmonize chord
bring into consonance or accord
harmonize one's goals with one's abilities
Synonym: harmonize reconcile
bring (several things) into consonance or relate harmoniously
harmonize the different interests
Synonym: harmonize
sing or play in harmony
Synonym: harmonize
write a harmony for
Synonym: harmonize
go together
The colors don't harmonize
Their ideas concorded
Synonym: harmonize consort accord concord fit in agree


  1. The two countries are discussing whether and how to harmonise tax policies .


  2. Since 2008 there have been numerous efforts to harmonise global financial rules .


  3. The pressure is increasing to harmonise global accounting standards .


  4. " This way , we can harmonise international academic exchange and domestic academic progress ," he says .


  5. It is far better to have strong action now and then harmonise the regulatory structures later .


  6. But that is just another liquidity programme , not a way to harmonise competitiveness .


  7. To avoid bitter disputes over fairness , you would also need to harmonise European social-security systems .


  8. Aromatherapy has been used since the ancient times to purify and harmonise the body and soul .


  9. For a watch , you must harmonise the crystal , the movement and the band individually .


  10. Mr Rake predicted that some countries would harmonise their oversight of the accounting profession in the next decade .


  11. Yet today foreign policy need not recede . Instead , foreign policies should focus on how to harmonise " domestic " policies .


  12. As Europeans try to harmonise higher education , some institutions are pushing the more structured learning that comes with an American PhD .


  13. In the first instance , the US and European Union should harmonise their policies rather than pursue their usual go-it-alone response to important global issues .


  14. For this grand strategy to work , he says , America will first have to harmonise its separate policies towards Iraq , Iran and Israel .


  15. Finally , modularising an application can help to concretely identify which versions of dependent libraries are being used in order to harmonise library dependencies across a large project .


  16. It matters not how many incarnations you have had and what your soul 's lineage may be if you cannot harmonise it all in this life stream .


  17. To solve underlying structural problems , they will need to harmonise their financial sectors , improve product and services markets , and co-ordinate labour market rules , an area now off-limits .


  18. She said that while she was keen to further harmonise the market , she was not considering pushing for the creation of a single telecoms regulator at this stage .


  19. The continental press were beguiled by contemporary political parallels and problems how did China manage a common currency , harmonise laws and weights and measures , and establish one language of administration , in 220bc ?


  20. You need policies that provide eurozone-wide backstops to the banking sector , and also policies to insure against Asymmetric shocks . And you need to harmonise many aspects of structural policy to ensure imbalances do not become entrenched .


  21. The European Union and the US will next month start an ambitious initiative to harmonise regulations , norms and technical standards in up to 40 economic and industrial sectors , laying the cornerstone for a single market between the two regions .


  22. No amount of yogic incantation can harmonise these split persona ; the solution is to break banks into functional units , so that merger experts , market makers , and proprietary traders no longer cohabit .


  23. During the bidding process , countries who are in contention to win the World Cup must promise an array of tax exemptions to FIFA , and it must also promise to harmonise its local laws to bring them into accordance with FIFA rules .


  24. But all these immolations of Berry were somehow carried to the credit of Mrs Pipchin by Mrs Pipchin 's friends and admirers ; and were made to harmonise with , and carry out , that melancholy fact of the deceased Mr Pipchin having broken his heart in the Peruvian mines .


  25. Many of the drawbacks of doing a PhD are well known . Your correspondent was aware of them over a decade ago while she slogged through a largely pointless PhD in theoretical ecology . As Europeans try to harmonise higher education , some institutions are pushing the more structured learning that comes with an American PhD .
