
美 [hɑːts]英 [hɒts]
  • v.把……加温;(使)激动起来;(变,加)热
  • abbr.高级廷德尔谱图(Higher Order Tyndall Spectrum);持续治疗法术
  • hot的第三人称单数



to be sexually attracted to sb



  • 1
    ADJ-GRADED 热的;烫的
    Something that is hot has a high temperature.

    When the oil is hot, add the sliced onion...


  • 2
    ADJ-GRADED 天气热的;气温高的;炎热的
    Hot is used to describe the weather or the air in a room or building when the temperature is high.

    It was too hot even for a gentle stroll...


  • 3
    ADJ-GRADED (人)感觉热的
    If you are hot, you feel as if your body is at an unpleasantly high temperature.

    I was too hot and tired to eat more than a few mouthfuls...


  • 4
    ADJ-GRADED (温度)…高的
    You use hot to talk or ask about how high the temperature of something is.

    They are called incandescent lights, and their colour depends on how hot they are...


  • 5
    在非正式英语中,可以用 boiling 或scorching 来强调天气炎热。在冬天,如果气温高于平均水平,可以用 mild。一般来说,hot 表示的温度比 warm 高,而 warm 表示的温度通常让人感到舒服:a warm evening(温暖的夜晚)。

  • 6
    ADJ (食物)趁热吃的
    Hot food is intended to be eaten as soon as it is cooked, as opposed to food that you eat when it has cooled or that you do not cook at all.

    If you live alone, you might not want to cook a hot meal every day.


  • 7
    ADJ-GRADED (食物)辣的,辛辣的
    You can say that food is hot when it has a strong, burning taste caused by chillies, pepper, or ginger. curries.


  • 8
    ADJ-GRADED (议题、话题)热门的,受到广泛关注的
    A hot issue or topic is one that is very important at the present time and is receiving a lot of publicity.

    The role of women in war has been a hot topic of debate in America since the Gulf conflict.


  • 9
    ADJ-GRADED (消息)刚发布的,最新的,新近的
    Hot news is new, recent, and fresh.

    ...eight pages of the latest movies, video releases and the hot news from Tinseltown.


  • 10
    ADJ-GRADED 风行的;走红的;炙手可热的
    You can use hot to describe something that is very exciting and that many people want to see, use, obtain, or become involved with.

    The hottest show in town was the Monet Exhibition at the Art Institute...


  • 11
    ADJ-GRADED (常指非法获得的贵重或知名物品)烫手的,难以销赃的
    You can use hot to describe something that no one wants to deal with, often because it has been illegally obtained and is very valuable or famous.

    If too much publicity is given to the theft of important works, the works will become too hot to handle and be destroyed.


  • 12
    ADJ-GRADED (情形)棘手的;艰难的的
    You can describe a situation that is created by a person's behaviour or attitude as hot when it is unpleasant and difficult to deal with.

    When the streets get too hot for them, they head south in one stolen car after another.


  • 13
    ADJ-GRADED (比赛)激烈的,双方全力以赴的
    A hot contest is one that is intense and involves a great deal of activity and determination.

    It took hot competition from abroad, however, to show us just how good Scottish cashmere really is.


  • 14
    ADJ-GRADED 被看好的;最有望获胜的
    If a person or team is the hot favourite, people think that they are the one most likely to win a race or competition.

    Atlantic City is the hot favourite to stage the fight.


  • 15
    ADJ-GRADED (脾气)暴躁的,易怒的
    Someone who has a hot temper gets angry very quickly and easily.

    His hot temper was making it increasingly difficult for others to work with him.


  • 16
    PHRASE 忽冷忽热;反复无常
    If someone blows hot and cold, they keep changing their attitude towards something, sometimes being very enthusiastic and at other times expressing no interest at all.

    The media, meanwhile, has blown hot and cold on the affair.


  • 17
    PHRASE 焦虑不安;六神无主;举止失常
    If you are hot and bothered, you are so worried and anxious that you cannot think clearly or behave sensibly.

    Ray was getting very hot and bothered about the idea.


  • 18
    PHRASE 对…有强烈的情欲
    If you say that one person has the hots for another, you mean that they feel a strong sexual attraction to that person.

    I've had the hots for him ever since he came to college.


  1. I 've had the hots for him ever since he came to college .


  2. She 's got the hots for the new office manager .


  3. I knew that would go ever hots . I think Kate did too .


  4. She is definitely one of the characters I have the hots for as well .


  5. Eg. our English teacher seems to have the hots for Mary .


  6. Case studies showed that the improved model of instructional design can be more effective in promoting the development of students HOTs .


  7. Citation Analysis of the Chemical Hots in 2000


  8. He 's had the hots for Sue ever since he met her .


  9. And someone 's got the hots for you .


  10. All those red hots need a victim .


  11. I had got the hots for that girl ?


  12. There 's nothing better than knowing your partner still has the hots for you all these years later .


  13. In Chicago they eat red hots with ketchup . imagine !


  14. Cause she had the hots for your doctor .


  15. You be a gentleman , you 're gonna get three hots and a cot.


  16. You can tell by the way she is talking to him that she has the hots for him .


  17. When he met her , ha had the hots for her .


  18. So , Xiao Gao , do you have the hots for anyone at school ?


  19. The Tree of Life talent currently grants bonus healing to group members and reduces the cost of your hots in tree form .


  20. He thinks I 've got the hots for lily ? It 's shooting from the hip !


  21. You still have the hots for him . Oh , don 't deny it . I saw you .


  22. He obviously has the hots for her himself .


  23. So AC magnetic field purification , which is one of the electromagnetic purification , has also become one of the main study hots because of its convenient application .


  24. The small hot tasting peppers found in many Mexican foods are called red hots for their color and their fiery taste .


  25. Heal Guards – this guard will be able to apply massive HOTs to any guard within a15m range .


  26. It was the sort of nightmare diplomatic scenario that has the potential to become increasingly common as tension hots up around the globe .


  27. And the theoretical studying and exploring are becoming one of the Hots , and the practical exploring in active moral education is becoming the focus in course reform .


  28. We are not going anywhere until you confess you have the hots for our nanny .


  29. Thermodynamics of standard solubility product is concisely discussed on the hots of the International Standard ISO31-8:1992 and China national standard GB3102 .


  30. As the election hots up , Mr Romney would do well to avoid a bidding war on which of the two is more macho .


  • 习语


get/have the hots for sb

to be sexually attracted to sb