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The grid division of different flow fields is done with ICEM software .
The paper mostly discusses the Measurable Quotient System ( MQS ) for ICEM and the corresponding algorithms .
The numerical pools with two-dimensional section and three-dimensional hull were created in ICEM software , and divided with structural mesh .
The 3D model was meshed with tetrahedral elements which will be replaced by hexahedral elements later in ANSYS ICEM CFD software .
The grids are divided in the software ANSYS ICEM . Then , the model will be imported into the software Star-CD and calculated .
In ICEM graphic modeling method , graph objects are parts of the model and can participate in the application of models . UML is an important standard of MDA .
This dissertation starts with presenting a complete lifecycle of ERP oriented enterprise modeling method & ICEM ( Interoperable and Configurable Enterprise Models ) graphic modeling .
Based on the investigation on management condition , the informatization level of enterprises in China , and some newest studying outcomes , this paper presents an Implementation Capability Evaluation Model ( ICEM ) for Enterprise Resource Planning ( ERP ) projects .
Then , PRO / E program design concept is adopt to realize the parameter design by the control of ourselves design equation and generate the models conveniently . Using ICEM , the model is meshed in full hexahedral format .
The Virtual Heart File of New York University is adopted to build the heart static model by using ICEM CFD as meshing tool . Then , the heart dynamic model is set up in Fluent software circumstance and analysed by simulation .