首页 / 词典 / good


  • 网络通常;乌苏;犹他;犹他州立大学
  1. USU OpenCourseWare supports USU 's institutional mission to serve the public through learning , discovery , and engagement .


  2. Discovery Model and Analysis of Control Effect on Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Detained People in Usu City , Xinjiang


  3. Both ears are shut to what goes on outside the window ; the whole mind is concentrated on the sages'books . [ said , usu . disapprovingly , of one who is absorbed in study and oblivious of his surroundings ]


  4. ( usu essential ) piece or component of a machine or structure


  5. Either of a pair of similar , usu matching , things


  6. action showing one 's ( usu friendly ) intentions or attitude


  7. No comparative or superlative ; usu placed directly after a number


  8. No passive ; used only in the continuous tenses and usu in questions


  9. North Tianshan slope economical belt Usu City – Sawan County area water resources and ecological environment change analysis


  10. We 've just got time for a quick one , ie a quick usu alcoholic drink .


  11. Figure painting was the emphasis at USU .


  12. ( usu of fires or chimneys ) give out ( thick smoke )


  13. For sale ( usu by or on behalf of the owners )


  14. Rest-cure ( usu in bed , as medical treatment for stress , anxiety , etc )


  15. Prediction and planning of the population growth in the kuytun - usu - dushanzi region


  16. ( usu of a woman ) tall , graceful and dignified


  17. Report on plague surveillance in Tianshan Mountainous Districts of the county of usu in 1985


  18. Teacake ( small flat cake , usu eaten hot with butter at tea )


  19. Investigation on Human and Animals Infected with Toxoplasma gondii in Rural and Pastoral Areas of Usu County , Xinjiang


  20. ( used esp with this , that or what as object ) reach a particular ( usu bad ) situation or state of affairs


  21. ( usu oval ) race-track ( esp for vehicle races )


  22. ( British infantry ) unit ,( usu based on a city or county , and represented in the field by battalions )


  23. As the material base of oil and gas generation , source rocks and their distribution usu - ally controlled the distribution of oil and gas pools .


  24. Utah State University ( USU ) is one of the nation 's premier land-grant and space-grant universities .


  25. The word here is put in inverted commas to mean something special . ( usu . used in combination ) having value of a specified kind .


  26. A three-piece suite , ie a set of three pieces of furniture ( usu a sofa and two armchairs )


  27. Immediately it became a full time vocation so Eric worked to finish his junior and senior years at USU and devote himself to painting .


  28. Not usu in the continuous tenses


  29. Ring-finger ( third finger , usu of the left hand , on which a wedding-ring is traditionally worn )


  30. Rough practical method of assessing or measuring sth , usu based on past experience rather than on exact measurement , etc ( and therefore not completely reliable in every case or in every detail )
