But this week 's jamboree suggests the true headquarters of african .
Brands that had paid to advertise alongside the jamboree complained .
It will be a grand jamboree , the first of its kind since a summit in Cairo seven years ago .
A more amusing but far less useful example is the combination of Jamboree and Ringaling .
The issue was ignored during the huge political jamboree of the presidential electionas .
This week London hosts a jamboree of computer geeks , politicians , and urban planners from around the world .
She may be an octogenarian but Queen Elizabeth has joined the Web2.0 jamboree just in time for Christmas .
In this case it is Portugal that sits as president , and the Lisbon jamboree was its big idea ( see article ) .
What do you bring to the jamboree , darling , huh ? Aside from those baby blues and a knife ?
Lynette had suffered through art work made in kindergarten ...... spice racks made in summer camp ...... and jewelry made at the scout jamboree .
The Egyptian Radio Amateurs Society ( ERASD ) celebrating the53rd Jamboree On The Air at the Cairo International Scout Center .
That will be in the midst of the annual jamboree at Davos in Switzerland , where global bigwigs gather to chew over world affairs .
A pitch this month to host an annual jamboree for1,000 lawyers will be a test of whether the new , slightly safer Ju á rez can attract business .
Jamboree is a simple music player that has a D-BUS interface so that it can be told to play , go to the next song , change the volume , and so on .
Yet as she prepares for her Berlin EU jamboree this weekend , what is notable is that praise from foreigners is not translating into successes at home .
So you really don 't want to go to the jamboree no , I am sorry Then the Boy Scout says Ok , well would you be willing to buy a chocolate bar for $ 1 ?
Marinho 's sandals , which she hand-decorates in a jamboree of patchworks and seashells , often take their cue from the silhouettes of S ã o Paulo 's Modernist architecture .
In 2005 , 11-year-old Brennan Hawkins was on a Boy Scout Jamboree camping trip at the Bear River Boy Scout Reservation near Salt Lake City , Utah . A Jamboree is an annual camping event for Scout troops in their state to earn multiple merit badges together and make new friends .