
  1. Other competitive products and eclipse plug-ins perform a varying subset of the static analysis functionality found in Jtest .


  2. For instance , Parasoft 's JTest tool for writing Java code had several hundreds of writing style policies .


  3. I am not sure if you could do everything with aspects that you can do with Jtest , but it 's free .


  4. Additionally , Parasoft Jtest can generate a regression test suite that alerts you when code modifications impact existing functionality .


  5. There are a few hundred rules that come out of the box with Jtest , and you can create your own as you need to .


  6. In addition to all of the rules , the Quick Fix option enables developers to quickly fix many issues that Parasoft Jtest finds on the fly .


  7. Parasoft Jtest can examine your code in several different ways and automatically generate JUnit , Cactus , and HttpUnit test cases for testing things like access and boundary type exceptions .


  8. We happen to use a product called Parasoft Jtest for our automated code audits , but there are other products that can accomplish what we will talk about here .


  9. Up until now , you 've made so many little patches according to the advice of Jtest that you 've forgotten what has been modified & this can cause extra time spent struggling to find what went wrong .
