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  1. This acquisition further improves KONE 's strong position in each of those markets .


  2. KONE has been innovative services and solutions , high quality products and global operational excellence known .


  3. The Communication Between KONE OPTIMA Selective Chemistry Analyser and External Computer


  4. KONE is one of the global leaders in the elevator and escalator industry .


  5. This allows KONE to strengthen its team and capabilities in the Cleveland market .


  6. KONE has acquired Long Elevator & Machine Co.


  7. Kone says it will be a great honor and opportunity to meet and listen to Obama .


  8. The latest technique meeting the required environmental protection , economical space and lower cost give KONE more advantages than other any company .


  9. Southwest and KONE are combining their elevator operations under the KONE name during the coming months .


  10. A batch of 40t portal cranes imported from the Finnish company KONE are port facilities of new design .


  11. The contract signing ceremony of Shenzhen Merchants Real Estate Holdings Co. , Ltd and KONE was held in Shenzhen .


  12. KONE also modernized the elevators in1988 .


  13. KONE plans to take " The Chronicles of the Liftman " pan India and educate as many elevator users .


  14. Kone is a bellwether for global construction activity because its products are found in buildings ranging from apartment blocks to shopping centres around the world .


  15. Under the leadership of Herlin family , nowadays , KONE has become the pioneer and one of the largest elevator companies in the world .


  16. Unlike the elevator business , the automatic building door service business , which KONE had entered in France in1980 , had not yet experienced such consolidation .


  17. It was a revolutionary change in the elevator industry when KONE registered the patent and started to manufacture the MRL elevators in1996 .


  18. Kone Elevator India , the subsidiary of Kone Corporation of Finland , plans to invest in a second manufacturing facility near Chennai .


  19. Recently , KONE ELEVATOR held the safety education in the communities in Chengdu , which aimed at caring for the life and focusing on the elevator safety .


  20. KONE has acquired the business operations of Southwest Elevator Company , an independent elevator service company in Arizona with operations in both Tucson and Phoenix .


  21. Kone itself has embraced growth in markets such as Asia and the US in much the same way as Nokia did in mobile phones in the past 15 years .


  22. Giant KONE Elevator Co. Ltd. is a joint venture which is invested by Finland KONE Corporation and Zhejiang Giant Elevator Co. Ltd. in China in early 2005 .


  23. But other companies such as KONE , the Finnish liftmaker , or Lego , the toymaker also say design is crucial to their global appeal .


  24. He is often too busy to appear in person every time that KONE is the subject of a class , says Prof Walsh , but " the interactivity works pretty well " .


  25. Hope that I can propagate the advanced management ideas and successful experience of KONE company and provide the reference for the lift Colleagues , while promoting my management level through the study on KONE case .


  26. The deal will see Kone raise its shareholding in Giant Kone Elevators from 40 per cent to 80 per cent , with an option to buy the remaining 20 per cent in future .


  27. One of those awaiting Obama 's brief stay in Johannesburg is29-year-old Ivory Coast national Aminata Kane Kone , a dentist , mother of four , and activist for women 's rights .


  28. A connection method between KONE OPTIMA selective chemistry analyser and external computer by RS-232C Serial Communication Interface is introduced in this article . It enables the chemistry analyser to make still greater role in the Hospital 's network information management system .
