- 10个;【医】【=lorazepam】劳拉西泮,氯羟去甲安定

Recycling plastics and aluminum , for instance , uses only 5 % to l0 % as much energy as producing new plastic or smelting aluminum .
We are all l0 brothers , sons of one man .
Through these two processes , ball bearing steel with about l0 ppm total oxygen has been obtained .
It is suitable to sell the New Zealand Whites in l0 ── 12 weeks old .
Blood samples were collected from 7 healthy men at l0 min intervals for 24h .
The second method uses shadow tables over the two-dimensional page tables , which are managed by L0 .
The Turtles project improved performance by giving the L2 guest direct access to the physical devices available to L0 .
There was the remote correlation of the climate between Guanzhong Plain and the northwest desert area during development of L0 .
The algorithm obtains the minimum l0 norm with the optimal solution of approximate function , thus obtains the sparse channel response .
In all , some $ l0 billion worth of damage was credited to Hurricane Gilbert .
One month later , anti-HCV was positive in 5 of the l0 patients and HCV-RNA in 4 of the 10 patients in the transfusion group .
The causal organism is able to grow in 35 ℃ and at 1:8 × l0 ~ 6 of malachite green . Host range wide .
The biotite metamorphic temperature of the middle Anshan Group is 556-620 ℃, the pressure is less than 5 × l0 ~ 8Pa ;
Results : PDGF stimulated cardiac fibroblasts collagen synthesis in a dose-dependent manner , in which l0 ng / ml PDGF reached its peak .
Tipping is not pwt of Korean culture , although it has become a matter of course in international hotels where a l0 % service charge is often added .
According to the second-order elasticity analysis of single-story single-span bent frames , the effective length l0 suggestion of bent-columns have been made in this paper .
Certain exits require that the L1 hypervisor be involved , but other conditions ( such as external interrupts ) are handled solely by L0 .
However , the model 's response is not accurate in SST anomaly poleward of l0 ° N and l0 ° S and depicting seasonal cycle .
Romans 3 : l0 says " There is none righteous , no , not one . " The truth is we were all born with sin .
The disadvantage of the initial-parameter method deriving the effective length l0 of bent-columns in Chinese Standard has been pointed out , and the improvement has been made .
Comparing with atmospheric process , the removal efficiency rises l0 % ~ 18 % , and the retention time reduced to only 1 / 3 ~ 1 / 4 of the former .
He 's in Heaven now and God says in Romans l0 : l3 ," For whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved . "
After getting the mixing matrix estimation , in order to estimate source signals with different degree of sparsity , this paper proposed a method based on the smoothed l0 norm to recover the source signals .
Because chaotic phase-coded signal is pseudonoise code , then the problem of imaging is transformed to selecting dictionary and solves a convex smooth l0 norm minimization to reconstruct image .
Vending machines sell an amazing array of goods : beer , l0 kg bags of rice , fried octopus balls ( cooked while you wait ), even videogames .
It 's basically outlawed at Changi Airport and officials encourage tourists not to add to the l0 % service charge that many high-end hotels tack on to the bill .
Apparent molar absorptive of the silver complex is 3.06 × l0 ~ 5 . Beer 's Law is obeyed for 0 ~ 10 μ g / 25ml of silver .
The developmental process simulation system can be calculated the composition of gas and liquid , process parameters , as well as the size of equipment and structure . The maximum deviation between calculation value and real productive value is about l0 % .
However , his appetite improved so much that he eventually started , and is continuing to take , a normal diet , and his weight has increased to l0 st 8 lb ( 67.6kg ) .
L0 method is the major structural design method considering second-order effects of reinforced concrete bent-columns , and its accuracy mostly depends on the rationality of effective length l0 . The rational value of l0 has been discussed in this paper .