- 网络卢卡斯影业;卢卡斯电影

See , in 2012 , Disney purchased LucasFilm for the sum of four billion dollars ,
When we got the greenlight from Lucasfilm , I still wasn 't really sure even three-minutes would work .
Do you have plans to work on more projects with Lucas or lucasfilm ?
QUESTION : How was Star Wars : Clone Wars project initiated ? Did Lucasfilm first contact Cartoon Network or vice-versa'episodes !
Disney paid just under 2.5 billion pounds for Lucasfilm . It has announced the first of three new films will come out in 2015 .
George Lucas , the director and writer of the previous Star Wars episodes , recently sold Lucasfilm to Disney .
The announcement comes less than three years after George Lucas sold Lucasfilm and the Star Wars franchise to Disney for $ 4 billion .
I especially loved LucasArts ( then called Lucasfilm ) games , such as the Indiana Jones and Monkey Island series .
With Marvel , Lucasfilm , and Pixar under its watch , Disney is more ambitious than ever .
What is lucasfilm 's involvement with the creation of the series ? Has the company told you what storyline to follow or have they given you a free hand ?
It 's perhaps a good thing Lucasfilm are going to all this effort , as there have already been multiple special editions , revised versions and box sets on both DVD and VHS .
Walt Disney Pictures and Lucasfilm have promised a Star Wars film every winter after the release of Star Wars : The Force Awakens . These movies will be spin-offs to the main films .
No other company can match the streak that Disney is currently enjoying , thanks to a series of multi-billion acquisitions that put the likes of Pixar , Marvel , and LucasFilm in its Magic Kingdom .
Designers featured participated in Disney and Lucasfilm 's ' Star Wars : Fashion Finds the Force " event , in aid of Great Ormond Street Hospital . Charity sweatshirts are available at Selfridges stores . ' Star Wars : The Force Awakens " is in UK cinemas from December 17