
美 [ˈlɜːrtʃɪz]英 [ˈlɜːtʃɪz]
  • v.突然前倾(或向一侧倾斜);(突然感到恐怖或激动时心或胃)猛地一跳(或动)
  • lurch的第三人称单数
  1. The lights grow brighter as the earth lurches away from the sun .


  2. When Mercury lurches forward , you are likely to have a secret you have been keeping exposed .


  3. All this pushing and wobbling and bouncing lurches the Earth plates and thus they move causing earthquakes .


  4. There he was , swaying in the hammock with violent lurches to ease the heat he felt .


  5. In a more pessimistic scenario , the drachma might have fallen in lurches leading to a series of so-called crises .


  6. Despite all their intellect , though , these people still live in a world that careens about in a series of wild and devastating and completely nonsensical lurches .


  7. The Internet lurches forward in spasms of business model discovery , as when Google figured out how to auction off search-targeted advertising slots , leaving banner advertisements behind .


  8. But it is high time to banish the moral hazard of macro policy , the false sense of security provided by open-ended fiscal and monetary accommodation as the world lurches from crisis to crisis .


  9. As Europe again teeters on the brink of disaster and the tepid US recovery lurches along , the growth slowdowns in China and India augur rough times ahead for the world economy .


  10. Unfortunately for the driver , this was not the ordinary white fencing that local governments in many Chinese towns install to discourage bad behavior by motorists , such as unexpected U-turns and abrupt lurches into oncoming traffic .


  11. But look carefully , there are no lurches , pauses , hitches or dead spots in their stroke technique-they have excellent rhythm and timing , moving seamlessly from one phase of the stroke to the other .


  12. Evidence that emerging economies are entering a new era of slower growth will fuel concerns for the global outlook as western countries continue to struggle , the oil price lurches towards a four-year low and eurozone stalwart Germany suffers from declining growth .
