married person
- 网络已婚人士;已婚者

In 2003 , a second amendment to the Marriage Law was issued . In it , cohabitation of a married person with any third party was prohibited . It stipulated that man and wife should be faithful to each other , and respect each other .
No.A married person is not entitled to single parent allowance even though he she was the sole contributor to maintain the children .
A married person or someone in a serious relationship will not totally commit to someone single . Except the thought of being a side-chick or side-guy is appealing to you .
The young man is a married person now .
Will the government abolish the married person 's tax allowance ?
Cohabitation of a married person with any third party shall be prohibited .
Marriage still confers one very special privilege -- only a married person can get divorced !
Pleasant but slightly improper to dine alone with a married person .
Bigamy or , cohabitation of a married person with any third party ;
Bigamy means a married person commits bigamy or marries another who he knows has been married .
If you ask any married person , he or she will tell you that marriages wax and wane .
The other person ( male or female ) may be attracted to a married person just as easily as to someone who is not married .
If the married person is weak willed it is almost a certainty that they will cheat , it is only a matter of time .
Nearly a third say they married the person they dated at work .
Other studies have revealed that over half of all tube users have swapped numbers with a fellow passenger , while one in 100 have married the person they met below ground .
Nearly a third say they married the person they dated at work . Another career website , , found that 59 % of respondents had dated a colleague at least once during their career .
She married the wrong person .
These ranged from not spending enough time with their family to having married the wrong person .
I Married a Strange Person !
If and your partner are living in de facto or interdependent relationship , and either of you still legally married to another person ?
The researchers asked 104 adults of various ages to complete a survey about their greatest regrets . These ranged from not spending enough time with their family to having married the wrong person .
In case of a married or engaged person Claddagh rings are worn on the left hand with the crown pointing away from the ( the person wearing the ring ) heart .
Because when you get married , the other person is entitle to any money on the other person hands .
And if the daughter of a priest is married to an outside person she may not take of the holy things which are lifted up as offerings .
Embarrassingly , the research comes up with a tough question for the married : Does the person who every night shares your bed share one and the same dream with you ?
In my own family , I have a father who was from Kenya ; I have a mother who was from Kansas , in the Midwest of the United States ; my sister is half-Indonesian ; she 's married to a Chinese person from Canada .
Married Americans overwhelmingly believe they married the right person but not all of them believe in the idea of