- 网络学员;被指导者;学习者

As my mentee James found out , sometimes honesty isnt always the best policy .
As a recent mentee discovered , the salary question can be a difficult topic to discuss if you haven 't already thought through potential responses .
We 're pretty much besties , and I 'm his mentee .
So a mentor can 't be the mentee 's supervisor or a project leader .
Mentoring should be confidential : mentor and mentee must feel free to express themselves and discuss problems with full confidentiality .
Mentoring is also voluntary : both mentor and mentee are free to end the relationship without negative consequences for either of them .
Sometimes , due to the difference in age and rank , it 's obvious who is the mentor and who is the mentee in a working relationship .
As a mentee , it 's best to establish a process and always have a mentoring date on the calendar , Zachary advises .
A mentor can help build the mentee 's profile & putting her forward for positions in committees , for example , or as a speaker at a conference .
Kathy Bollinger , president of the Arizona West Region of the Banner Health system of hospitals , has plenty of experience as a mentor and as a mentee .
There is a special kind of relationship called sponsorship in which the mentor goes beyond giving feedback and advice and uses his or her influence with senior executives to advocate for the mentee .
Wheaton says she has bumped into Carr in the lift and they have compared notes on his role as a mentor and hers as a mentee .
Ana Fernanda Ruiz , a senior finance and management-science major , says her mentee , a managing director , wanted to learn how to connect with younger clients and future employees .
This can be a confidence-booster for both the mentor and the mentee with a wonderful principle of reciprocity at play here : By boosting another 's self-esteem , we boost our own .