
  • 网络最大心率;最快心率;最大心跳率;微循环半更新率;微波全息雷达
  1. Application of MHR Wireless Sensor Networks in Monitoring Secondary Cells


  2. Two equivalent conditions of nil MHR - ring s


  3. Please fill the survey up to design a fashion , warm MHR winter uniform which meanwhile shows our MHR spirit .


  4. The management of human resource ( MHR ) in higher education institutions is supposed to follow the scientific concept of development , insist on putting people first , and develop continually .


  5. Maximal heart rate ( MHR ), double product of maximal heart rate and systolic blood pressure , and maximal endurance index ( MEI ) were measured during submaximal supine bicycle exercise .


  6. The main way of producing Titanium powders is HDH , but great shortcoming of HDH has appeared because of the high price influence of titanium sponge , while MHR has gradually shown the advantages due to its low cost .


  7. This paper gives a necessary and sufficient condition for a ring to be a nil MHR-ring , then it is easy to obtain that every subring of an arbitrary nil MHR - ring is again a nil MHR-ring .
