
美 [ˌmɪlɪtəˈrɪstɪk]英 [ˌmɪlɪtəˈrɪstɪk]
  • adj.军国主义的



  • 1
    ADJ-GRADED 军国主义的;好战的;黩武的
    Militaristic is used to describe groups, ideas, or policies which support the strengthening of the armed forces of their country in order to make it more powerful.

    ...aggressive militaristic governments.



imbued with militarism


  1. Now , when we talk about arguments , yeah , we talk in a very militaristic language .


  2. Some reports called it " militaristic ", but that is too flattering .


  3. We often take a militaristic , " tough " approach to resilience and determination like a Marine pulling himself through the mud , a boxer going one more round , or a football player picking himself up off the ground for one more play .


  4. Yet there was a far more militaristic tinge to his narrative .


  5. Large militaristic legions were formed and gained the edge in covert political persuasion and power .


  6. Thanks to their militaristic education , knights can wield massive armor and use heavy weaponry .


  7. These things must not be twisted or distorted to fit rogue ideologies or militaristic tendencies .


  8. Mr Putin may wish to use Victory Day as an exercise in militaristic posturing that puffs up his regime .


  9. He defined the process of industrialism as essentially Pacific in constrast to the militaristic spirit of feudal society .


  10. He teaches her their individual signals on the call , but she openly disapproves of this militaristic approach .


  11. Mr. Tang said he first noticed a Chinese appetite for big , militaristic vehicles when his company began selling customized stretch limousines to the Chinese market .


  12. The place is almost militaristic and kind of scary , says a Hong Kong-based businessman and client who has toured the campus .


  13. Based on the ancient literature , the article discussed the character , the sacrifice , the women and the militaristic activities in the oracle inscriptions of Li group .


  14. I refuse to accept the cynical notion that nation after nation must spiral down a militaristic stairway into the hell of thermonuclear destruction .


  15. He required the Japanese government to deal with the problem of Guanghua House correctly , and pointed out that this problem indicates the militaristic tendency of some Japanese on Taiwan .


  16. Without interruption , Japanese intellectuals were nurtured in the spirit of militarism from the Middle Ages to modern period , so they are more militaristic than Chinese intellectuals .


  17. The efforts of anyone seeking to distort or beautify the facts of Japan 's acts of militaristic invasion will not be accepted by the people of China , he added .


  18. At the same time , 88 percent of those claiming to be patriots said Japanese must consider their country 's militaristic past and brutal colonial rule in Asia , the Asahi said .


  19. She 's the one who embodies , articulates and justifies the battle and breaks collective chains , even as she 's being folded into District 13 " s militaristic operation .


  20. The film features armies of red glossy ants and dinosaurlike creatures marching in militaristic unison , and eventually waging bloody battles that leave a trail of destruction and blood .


  21. In the 1960s and ' 70s , much of Grass ' work dealt with the German themes of disillusionment , the militaristic past and the challenges of building a post-Nazi society .


  22. If anything seemed to unite the sartorial choices the first lady made , at least during the day , it was a certain rigidity of line , monochrome palette and militaristic mien .


  23. But schisms began to grow between the negotiators and the more militaristic part of the FBI , which wanted to speed things up . I knew this would be counter-productive , and said so .


  24. He guided and took part in the struggle of opposing to the modification of the history of invading China in the textbook in Japan , and pointed out that the essential of the modification is try to revive the militaristic ;


  25. Tomohito Shinoda is a professor of politics at the International University of Japan . He says Japan is especially sensitive to the threat of North Korea 's nuclear and ballistic missile program because it is so close to its militaristic neighbor .


  26. Under the militaristic education , the Japanese had once supported positively the government 's invasive war toward foreign countries and taken the action of joining the war until being killed on the battlefield as a " great " and " patriotic " behavior .


  27. While some regional leaders have questioned Mr. Abe over his views on Japan 's militaristic past , typically they haven 't done so as vehemently as their counterparts in China and South Korea , though that could change if Japan finds ways to become more assertive in the region .


  28. They 've called it a circus directed at gunpoint . The question now is what will the Ukrainian government do , how militaristic will be their response , and what will Russia do , will it annex the Crimean Peninsula and does bring economic sanctions on itself .
