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  • 网络米拉麦克斯;米拉麦克斯电影公司
  1. Key was ensuring Miramax retained its New York headquarters and identity , rather than moving the company to California so it could be absorbed into Disney .


  2. A small movie studio called Miramax Films was extremely successful last year .


  3. Miramax is based in New York City , unlike the large studios that are based in Hollywood .


  4. I knew the material and how Disney works , and I knew the DNA of Miramax .


  5. The Weinsteins sold Miramax to Walt Disney in 1993 but remained at the company for 12 years .


  6. This success sparked a minirevolution in Hollywood as larger studio rivals launched speciality " independent " divisions to compete better with Miramax .


  7. " The real difficulty is getting a film out there into the marketplace ," agreed Matt Brodlie , director of acquisitions at Miramax Films .


  8. Harvey and Bob Weinstein founded Miramax and led the company into its 1990s heyday , when it shook up the Hollywood pecking order .


  9. It was also the first time he came into contact with Harvey and Bob Weinstein as Miramax began to distribute Palace films in the US so they were almost like sister companies .


  10. The Miramax co-founder was sacked from his position on Sunday after numerous women - including actresses Ashley Judd and AmbraBattilana - went public about his alleged behaviour .


  11. Mr Earnhart , a former producer for Miramax Films , has applied some cinematic flourishes to this production , which often recalls the bizarre cinema of David Lynch .


  12. That company did particularly well with two small prize contenders , " Love & Mercy " ( released in partnership with Lionsgate ) and " Mr. Holmes " ( with Miramax ) .


  13. The first two things on my list were : how do I ensure that Miramax remains an independent company that could make its own decisions regarding film-makers and material , and at the same time make it function within the Walt Disney company .


  14. As chairman of Miramax , which Colony acquired from Disney in 2010 , he was trying to restore the film studio to the stature it had when it was run by the prolific Weinstein brothers .


  15. According to the LA Times story , the fateful entanglements , along with a sexual harassment charge , led nanula , 53 , to resign in July from private equity firm colony capital and the Miramax film company , where he was chairman .


  16. The co-founder of Miramax Films and co-chairman of The Weinstein Company countered in a subsequent statement that Feng 's film , The Banquet , which he distributed in the United States , was among the most profitable of the Chinese director 's movies in that market .
