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  1. Fuzzy Linear Analysis of MLPs and Its Applications


  2. The principle of MLPS and influence factors were discussed in the last , main influence factors were pointed out .


  3. He specifically pointed to Master Limited Partnerships , or MLPs .


  4. An optimal algorithm for IR / visual image registration based on Main-Line-Pairs ( MLPs ) is presented .


  5. The experimental results show that the proposed modular MLPs as well as the dynamic learning algorithm have not only fast learning speed but also good generalization performance .


  6. Taking a MLP with a single hidden layer for an example , a semi-linear analysis theory of internal behavior of MLPs is presented .


  7. The number of the hidden layers of multilayer perceptrons ( MLPs ) is analyzed , and three-layer perceptrons neural network is adopted ;


  8. This paper describes a clear interpretation of internal behaviors of multi-layer perceptrons ( MLPs ) used for pattern classifications , functional approximations , and parameter estimations .


  9. A model combining MLP with fuzzy-set approach , the MLPs with N-2-1 or N-H-1 architecture , and the method of initializing weights are proposed .


  10. Extending this theory , this paper analyzes the sigmoidal neurons and the internal behaviors of single hidden-layer perceptrons ( MLPs ) with sigmoid neurons trained for pattern classifications .


  11. You saw strong investor demand in high-growth sectors like life science and technology . You also had a lot of issuance of yield product in a surprisingly low rate environment & primarily MLPs but also Reits .


  12. Based on this approach , by using the property of the two-dimensional structure possessed by the HMM , a simplified neural network architecture consisting of multiple simple MLPs , employed to estimate observation probabilities is achieved .


  13. Experimental results show that this EP trained MLP model can generate a chaotic series , whose attractor can be reconstructed better than that generated by the BP trained MLP model and which generates many chaotic sequences by changing weights of this MLPs very easily .
