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  • 网络微小型无人直升机
  1. Since MUH has large angular accelerations , the visual compass method can work only if the a priori system noise covariance in motion model is set a large value . But this results in high computational cost for matching and high rate of erroneous matches .


  2. Research on Data Fusion of Integrated Navigation System for MUH


  3. How MUH longer are you planning to follow me around ?


  4. The key of MUH 's research is modeling and using diversified methods to design the flight controller .


  5. A new method based on Support vector machine is proposed to detect the fault of MUH airborne sensors system .


  6. The key parts of this dissertation are research on MUH modeling and design for autonomous flight controller .


  7. I didn 't know how MUH to bring .


  8. Poetry in motion , she 's muh too nice to be her age .


  9. Oh , and by the way , it 's " Matterhorn . " Muh .


  10. Attitude augmentation system for MUH can ease the tension of the remote controller by reducing attitude sensitivity and helping to maintain MUH on the horizontal level .


  11. Aiming at the defect that the method based on phase difference can not effectively isolate the fault sensor , a method of MUH navigation system sensor fault diagnosis based on phase difference and wavelet packet analysis is proposed .


  12. Finally the effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated by the comparison of with the method based on SVM and wavelet transform and the simulation result . 4 . The MUH navigation system sensor fault classifier is established based on LS-SVM .


  13. She runs away to that hal muh nee 's house and just chills around there . I made it a rule to get up early , take a cold bath , and then do some running .


  14. A hierarchical filtering structure is adopted for sensor fusion , in which complementary filters are applied to fuse information from sensors with different frequency characteristics . 3 . Wavelet transform method is introduced into the fault diagnosis of sensors on MUH .


  15. In this dissertation , a miniature unmanned helicopter ( MUH ) is selected as the main experimental platform , and some researches have been done to solve problems in vision-based navigation , including relative pose estimation and ground target tracking .
