
美 [mʌsts]英 [mʌsts]
  • n.必须做(或看、买等)的事
  • must的第三人称单数和复数



  • Must is a modal verb. It is followed by the base form of a verb.


  • 3
    MODAL 必须;一定要
    You use must to indicate that you think it is very important or necessary for something to happen. You use must not or mustn't to indicate that you think it is very important or necessary for something not to happen.

    What you wear should be stylish and clean, and must definitely fit well...


  • 4
    MODAL (通常因为规定或法律)必须,应当
    You use must to indicate that it is necessary for something to happen, usually because of a rule or law.

    Candidates must satisfy the general conditions for admission...


  • 5
    MODAL (用于表示肯定推测)一定,谅必
    You use must to indicate that you are fairly sure that something is the case.

    At 29 Russell must be one of the youngest ever Wembley referees...


  • 6
    MODAL (用于表示据已知情况推测)很可能是,想必是,肯定是
    You use must, or must have with a past participle, to indicate that you believe that something is the case, because of the available evidence.

    'You must be Emma,' said the visitor...


  • 7
    MODAL (用于表示前者为后者的前提)应该已经(发生)
    If you say that one thing must have happened in order for something else to happen, you mean that it is necessary for the first thing to have happened before the second thing can happen.

    In order to take that job, you must have left another job...


  • 8
    MODAL (用于表示意图)一定要,坚持要
    You use must to express your intention to do something.

    I must be getting back...


  • 9
    MODAL (用于表示建议或邀请)务必,一定要
    You use must to make suggestions or invitations very forcefully.

    You must see a doctor, Frederick...


  • 10
    MODAL (用于表示同情)必定,想必
    You use must in remarks and comments where you are expressing sympathy.

    This must be a very difficult job for you...


  • 11
    MODAL (用于强调)我得说/我得承认
    You use must in conversation in expressions such as 'I must say' and 'I must admit' in order to emphasize a point that you are making.

    This came as a surprise, I must say...


  • 12
    MODAL (用于引起读者或听众的注意)一定要注意/一定记住
    You use must in expressions such as 'it must be noted' and 'it must be remembered' in order to draw the reader's or listener's attention to what you are about to say.

    It must be noted, however, that not all British and American officers carried out orders...


  • 13
    MODAL (用于问句中表示生气)偏偏,非要
    You use must in questions to express your anger or irritation about something that someone has done, usually because you do not understand their behaviour.

    Why must you do everything as if you have to win?...


  • 14
    MODAL (用于感叹句,表示惊讶或震惊)一定是,准是
    You use must in exclamations to express surprise or shock.

    'Go! Please go.' — 'You must be joking!'...


  • 15
    N-COUNT 必不可少的事物;一定要做的事
    If you refer to something as a must, you mean that it is absolutely necessary.

    The new 37th issue of National Savings Certificates is a must for any taxpayer...


  • 16
    PHRASE 如果你一定要(这样做的话)
    You say 'if you must' when you know that you cannot stop someone doing something that you think is wrong or stupid.

    If you must be in the sunlight, use the strongest filter cream you can get...


  • 17
    PHRASE 如果你一定想要知道的话
    You say 'if you must know' when you tell someone something that you did not want them to know and you want to suggest that you think they were wrong to ask you about it.

    'Why don't you wear your jogging shorts Mum?' — 'Well, my legs are too skinny, if you must know.'


  1. Four " Musts " of Making Sample Sentences in English Teaching


  2. " Two Musts " and Current Young Cadre Style Construction


  3. Adherence to " Two Musts " and improvement for Party building


  4. Four musts in specialty construction of higher technical institutes


  5. Two Musts : the times request of building a well-off society in all-round way


  6. The two musts speaks for the far-reaching historical experiences in China .


  7. Always bear in mind the " Two Musts "


  8. The Two Musts as the Spirit of the Times


  9. To Carry out Scientific Outlook on Development by Sticking to " Six Musts "


  10. The Two Musts thought has its vivid times background and profound philosophical meaning as well .


  11. The new leadership of the Party and the reinterpretation of the two musts


  12. They are two musts in using criminal law to process criminal cases and there is an interaction between them .


  13. On the Relationship Between the " Two Musts " and the Governance Capacity of CPC


  14. Instructor 's Qualification is the Prerequisite for Students to Master Four Musts


  15. Contemporary values of keeping the " Two Musts " in mind and carrying forward the XiBaiPo Spirit


  16. We must stick to " the two musts " to strengthen management and run the college with rigorous regulation ;


  17. Sample sentences are accordingly classified into twelve groups . Four " Musts " of Making Sample Sentences in English Teaching


  18. We have so many musts and mustn'ts.


  19. Six Musts for House Decoration


  20. Humor and an enthusiastic delivery are musts . '


  21. It 's a story that delivers the same points . Humor and an enthusiastic delivery are musts .


  22. It is not possible in today 's world to live in isolation from the other nations . commercial , cultural , scientific and technological exchange are musts .


  23. For example , in 1980s , a sewing machine , a bicycle , and a recorder were musts in a marriage .


  24. The exaltation of the service ability musts to support with guarantees the principle conduct and actions of the knowledge right of the citizen guides the thought .


  25. Premises Distribution System is the foundation of the intelligent library buildings . For insuring its quantity , the library musts enhance the test and check for engineering quantity .


  26. Nearby , three small early-20th-century houses on Rue Paul Bert are musts for lookers who may not be buyers .


  27. The Test of English as a Foreign Language and the Scholastic Aptitude Test have long been two musts for students from other countries , including China , to apply to study in the US .


  28. Four " Musts " of Making Sample Sentences in English Teaching The researcher collected 413 sample sentences with improper collocations from the data of the EFL learners ' corpus .


  29. Mt 's fermentation kinetics are steady and its alcohol tolerance is high , however , it will benefit from a balanced nutrient strategy especially in low available nitrogen musts with high potential alcohol .


  30. In the new period , our Party must remember " Two Musts ", strengthen ruling capability of Party continuously , and lead the people of the whole country to build a well-off society in all-round way .
