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  • 网络北欧银行;瑞典北欧联合银行;诺迪亚
  1. The idea behind this , as nordea explains , is that at times of stress it can sometimes seem beneficial for countries to maintain more than one currency unit .


  2. Following a merger with a Danish bank in 2000 , the business ( now known as Nordea ) adopted English as its company language – which at least had the effect of putting all its Nordic employees on the same footing .


  3. Take a look , for example , at a recent research paper from nordea , the Nordic bank .


  4. Nordbanken , the seed of today 's Nordea , was fully nationalised in1992 and partly refloated three years later but the Swedish state remains its largest shareholder .


  5. At more than half of the branches of the country 's biggest banks , including SEB , Swedbank , Nordea Bank and others , no cash is kept on hand , nor are cash deposits accepted .


  6. " Banks have to have a licence to operate , which is granted by a common understanding of what is right and fair ," says Hans Dalborg , the chairman of Nordea .


  7. The largest investors that have sold or made commitments include Norway 's state pension fund , Axa , the French insurance group , Nordea Asset Management , the largest Nordic fund manager , and the University of California .
