- n.操作码;指令;运算码;操纵码

First , search for the opcode / instruction that has failed .
Many instructions also have an extended opcode .
For example , the processor might trap if an illegal opcode is found within the program .
Alternative PHP Cache , is probably the most popular opcode cache for PHP .
The best thing you can do for PHP is to install an opcode cache .
Using a single inline assembly opcode will probably work wonderfully on a uni-processor machine .
The makers of Zend also have a commercial opcode cache that includes an optimizer to further increase efficiency .
Instruction format is OpCode followed by Operands .
It 's also possible that your distribution has already packaged an opcode cache , and you just have to install it .
We see a much cleaner syntax for defining these functions , which can be optimized for performance by opcode caches .
Alternative PHP Cache ( APC ) is probably the most popular opcode cache for PHP ( see Resources ) .
An opcode cache saves this compiled opcode and reuses it the next time the page is called .
Hardware transient faults can cause control flow errors and corrupt the normal execution process by altering the operand and opcode of instructions .
If the program has more than one occurrence of the opcode , try to find the sequence printed by the handler code in the dump file .
File Cache-Even with the PHP opcode cache enabled , the PHP engine has to accesses the script files on a file system .
Opcode caches have long been popular for PHP , with some of the first ones coming about back in the heyday of PHP V4 .
The easiest thing to boost performance of any PHP application ( the " P " in LAMP , of course ) is to take advantage of an opcode cache .
In contrast , concatenating a string is pretty much just a case of running a single opcode to append a string variable to an existing string variable .
Without a doubt , an opcode cache is the first step in speeding up PHP by removing the need to parse and compile a script on every request .
Instructions are aliases-they correspond to the same opcode .
Unlike APC and Wincache , it is only an opcode cache and optimizer , so it does not contain the user cache components .
It is generated under a variety of conditions , such as an illegal opcode , illegal operand , privileged opcode , and so on .
MonoBook . deps . php & A fix for a bug in the APC opcode cache of PHP V5
We looked at techniques not only at the PHP level , by leveraging an opcode cache and optimizing the PHP configuration , but also looked at optimizing your database design for proper indexing .
An opcode cache and an opcode optimizer , which is often provided in the same package is a dirt-cheap technique to hasten the responsiveness of your site .
For any website I work with , it 's the one thing I make sure is present , since the performance impact is huge ( many times with response times half of what they are without an opcode cache ) .
When a PHP script is requested , PHP reads the script and compiles it into what 's called Zend opcode , a binary representation of the code to be executed .
Two of the opcode caches we looked at earlier , APC and Wincache , have facilities for doing just this , where you can store PHP data directly into a shared memory segment for quick retrieval .
One way of debugging this failure is to do an object dump of the executable and save it in a file , then search for the failed instruction ( in this case , the failed opcode is98080000 ) .