
美 [ˌpɜrmˈjutɪd]英 [pəˈmjuːtɪd]
  • v.改变…的序列;排列;交换;变更;(滤砂)软化
  • permute的过去分词和过去式
  1. Various sources of images make the permuted alias image diversity .


  2. Sparsity representation model of permuted alias image is obtained by its mathematical model .


  3. Four differential images in four directions are obtained by four direction operating of permuted alias image .


  4. This dissertation proposes methods of blind separation in various characteristic domain for various type of permuted alias images .


  5. Computer descriptors permuted index system


  6. A blind separation algorithm based on differential evolution is proposed for a type of permuted alias image with gaussian blur difference .


  7. In this dissertation , we investigate the BSS problem of the permuted image and introduce the thought into image tamper detection .


  8. When the sources contain interpolated images , a novel blind separation method based on interpolation factors estimation is proposed for permuted interpolated image .


  9. In the improved means , AC coefficients are permuted by different permutation list . DC coefficients are encrypted with AES algorithm .


  10. An algorithm about permuted alias image blind separation based noise detection is proposed according to a class of permuted alias image with noise difference .


  11. It involved a scrambling system in which time segments were permuted , by means of nine magnetic heads simultaneously reading a magnetic tape .


  12. When the sources are blurred images , two novel single-channel blind separation algorithms for permuted blurred image are proposed by using blind restoration .


  13. Firstly the original image is divided into several macro blocks in the light of certain size , and macro block within each row are permuted .


  14. The post display relation refers to the relation between the sentences created after the permuted descriptors and the topics of the indexed literature .


  15. Differential image of permuted alias image is divided into sub-blocks which is randomly assigned a threshold and all the thresholds formed a threshold vector .


  16. The watermark sequence was permuted pseudo_ randomly first , and then the watermark was embedded in the larger coefficients of middle frequency range detail signal adaptively .


  17. Then , the masked watermark is used to modify the 4th , 5th , or 6th bit of the corresponding pixels in the permuted image .


  18. The key of detecting and seperating permuting images is to find characteristic difference , which can be shown when permuted alias image is projected on a characteristic domain .


  19. First , for any size of gray image or colorful image , it is permuted by expanded Arnold with 1 round and then divided into 2 × 2 sizes of blocks .


  20. A preamble is formed by an arbitrary Permuted sequence of F frequencies , so it is possessed of multiaccess capability and low propability of exploitation .


  21. Urbanization is a process of expansion of urban regional space , its fast development can provide employment opportunity for people who transfer from rural area , and it also can offer land of permuted from rural to the urbanization .


  22. Different region of permuted alias image have noise difference , for permuting and permuted images come from different source images and they usually be infected by noise in the process of acquisition , transmission and processing .


  23. Remote sensing image was decompressed into frequency domain image by wavelet transform and the bit planes in frequency domain image were permuted by SBI transform seperately . The resulting data was compressed by arithmetic encoder .


  24. It uses permuted watermark to generate address codes , then finds the corresponding position in DCT domain blocks of host image and changes the coefficient value of the neighboring pixels according to a chaotic pseudo-random sequence .


  25. Any column of the matrix can be permuted randomly , and the permutation between columns should satisfy the form which is the automorphism group of the binary cyclic Turbo code generated by the feedback polynomial .


  26. The scanning lines of the image are permuted randomly to balance the energy distributing of the image scanning lines , then the watermark sequence is embedded in the image with the spread spectrum watermarking algorithm to produce the watermarked image .


  27. In this algorithm , the unconstrained solutions are permuted in a special order according to the absolute values of variable coefficients of the objective function so as to search the optimum solution in the aggregate of minimums with an accelerated convergence speed .


  28. The wavelet coefficient of the original image is got through wavelet transform , and the low frequency coefficient is seen as a sub-image . Then the binary watermark image is permuted , the watermark is embedded into the coefficient which got from the DCT of the sub-image .


  29. The mathematical model of the permuted image is obtained by its definition . According to the permutation mixing matrix is a special binary matrix , of which each entry equals 0 or 1 , a BSS model of the permuted image is described by estimating the mixing matrix .
