
美 [ˈpɪlərid]英 [ˈpɪlərid]
  • v.抨击;公开批评
  • pillory的过去分词和过去式
  1. He was regularly pilloried by the press for his radical ideas .


  2. A man has been forced to resign as a result of being pilloried by some of the press .


  3. He was pilloried , but she escaped without blemish .


  4. The education secretary was pilloried in the press for his ridiculous decision .


  5. Until now , however , Facebook 's search function had been pilloried as inadequate .


  6. Silicon Valley 's insistence on changing the world is usually pilloried in the news media .


  7. Nevertheless , the websites pilloried were caught by surprise yesterday .


  8. Emergency services pilloried for a slow and chaotic response which led to needless deaths .


  9. He is pilloried in the newspaper and his resignation demand .


  10. She is pillory in the press for her extravagant parties .


  11. The bank executives pilloried by the UK 's Treasury select committee of MPs were all exceptional people .


  12. He resolved not to be pilloried beside her on her pedestal of shame .


  13. Political palatability is critical , with senators worried about unemployment and ready to pillory anyone connected to bail-outs .


  14. The economic edifice market capitalism that has fostered this expansion is now being pilloried for the pause and partial retrenchment .


  15. Meanwhile Hester Prynne was standing beside the scaffold of the pillory , with the scarlet letter still burning on her breast !


  16. Her instinct to seek a peaceful solution saw her pilloried in Kiev , London and Washington as a Moscow sympathiser .


  17. In fact , although French presidents seem to have an infidelity record approaching 100 per cent , they don 't deserve to be pilloried alone .


  18. Some will celebrate billionaires as examples of this nation 's greatness , while others will pillory them as evidence of an economy gone astray .


  19. At a time when there is international concern about the number and quality of science graduates , we cannot afford to pillory schools that are getting results , irrespective of sector .


  20. It was famous , too , for the pillory , a wise old institution , that inflicted a punishment of which no one could foresee the extent ;


  21. Rick Perry was pilloried for suggesting that in some rugged areas , more " aviation assets in the ground " might be better than fencing .


  22. He pilloried western banks , chunks of whose near-worthless stock are now owned by Chinese state institutions , for their blind pursuit of profit and lack of discipline .


  23. As the sacred edifice was too much thronged to admit another auditor , she took up her position close beside the scaffold of the pillory .


  24. Central bankers in developed economies are being pilloried for focusing too much on price stability , ignoring asset market bubbles and failing to prevent the worst crisis seen for a generation .


  25. On the one occasion that Mr Obama suggested otherwise – we can absorb another terrorist attack , he said in 2010 – he was pilloried for sounding fatalistic .


  26. Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake were pilloried when they showed up in a denim dress and a denim suit to the2001 American Music Awards .


  27. In the six days since he admitted his mistake , he was pilloried relentlessly online , with Twitter feeds mocking him and amateur truth squads investigating his past reporting .


  28. He wants a fallacy to expose , a blunder to pillory , requires a Little sense of victory , a roll of the drums , to call his powers into full exercise .


  29. At a recent hearing , UK members of Parliament pilloried companies for using tax havens , for " manipulating " their accounts to cut their tax bills and for engaging in " immoral " activity .


  30. Be that as it might , the scaffold of the pillory was a point of view that revealed to Hester Prynne the entire track along which she had been treading , since her happy infancy .
