- n.五分位数;五分位值

Published survey reports were included in the analysis if they contained HIV testing data and wealth quintile rankings .
The relationship between the prevalence of HIV infection and household wealth quintile did not show consistent trends in all countries .
For the bottom quintile , average real after-tax household income rose about 18 per cent .
Roughly three-quarters of high-school dropouts with prison records never make it above the bottom income quintile .
For the others in the top quintile of the distribution , average real after-tax household income grew by 65 per cent .
Average rates continued to rise within the top quintile , with the top1 percent facing an effective rate of31.2 percent .
Methods The data of 15 051 cases of China Health Surveillance System in 2001 were analyzed . The method of descriptive , age standardization and quintile of economic indicator was applied .
Before it was renamed , the month was known as Quintilis ( borrowed into English as Quintile ) , which means ' fifth ' .
According to the analysis on the frequency distribution , quintile fractals and distance between the instances , this paper proposes a schema to evaluate the similarity between the data sets .
In analysis by quintiles , MS risk was highest among individuals in the bottom quintile and lowest among those in the top quintile of25-hydroxyvitamin D levels .
After adjustment for fertility intention , women in the richest wealth quintile were more likely than those in the poorest quintile to practice long-term contraception .
The relative risk of ischemic stroke was linearly related to the quintile of TC / HDL-C , but the curve of association for TC and LDL-C was J shape .
The study found that China has Asia 's highest Gini coefficient , a standard measure of relative income disparities , as well as the fastest increase in spending by the wealthiest 20 per cent compared with the bottom quintile of the population .
Compared with the individuals in the highest quintile of years of schooling , those in the lowest quintile were twice as likely to report poor health ( OR : 2.292 ; 95 % CI : 2.165 – 2.426 ) .
Persons in the highest quintile of fruit and vegetable intake had a relative risk for coronary heart disease of0.80 ( 95 % CI , 0.69 to0.93 ) compared with those in the lowest quintile of intake .
Compared with ordinary least squares method , quintile regression model not only do not need to make any assumptions on the overall distribution , but also describe the independent variable X for the dependent variable Y range accurately , catch the tail characteristics of the distribution .
So Mr Romney would probably have to target the rest of the upper quintile , the upper-middle class who gain from other big tax breaks for employer-provided health care , mortgage interest , retirement savings , state and local taxes and municipal bond interest .
10 percent of families do not have a checking account , 59 percent of whom are in the bottom income quintile , 51 percent are headed by someone younger than age 45 , and 66 percent of whom were minorities , according to the Fed 's survey .