receive recognition

美 [rɪˈsiːv ˌrekəɡˈnɪʃn]英 [rɪˈsiːv ˌrekəɡˈnɪʃn]
  • 获得承认
receive recognitionreceive recognition
  1. You can receive recognition for the work you 've done .


  2. You could receive recognition for a job well done .


  3. You will receive recognition for achievements and are basically convinced about the course of your existing goals .


  4. Our products have repeatedly been nonwoven equipment manufacturers use in export production lines , and customers receive recognition !


  5. This set of soccer goals passive automatic knowledge systems , design ideas are fired by the detection circuit and to receive recognition circuit composed of two parts .


  6. Co-operative Education ( " Co-op " ) : Co-op is a formal university program through which students alternate multiple , full-time , paid work terms with their academic studies , and receive recognition on their university record for each work term .


  7. Third , the new emphasis on agricultural combined voluntary participation of farmers , and based on voluntary participation of farmers combined system in order to receive recognition and acceptance is no easy task , it is necessary to change the content of the work of advocacy-oriented ideas .


  8. His government did not receive full recognition by Britain until July .


  9. He didn 't receive the recognition he deserved until late in life .


  10. E.g.he didn 't receive much recognition for what he had achieved in the last five years .


  11. It is pot forward that software process improvement and internal review should receive more recognition while implementing CMM .


  12. Microwave is a sort of cleanly and economical energy sources , and since years increasingly receive much recognition .


  13. But it does not receive the recognition which it surely deserves in most media coverage of modern China .


  14. The experimental results show that the proposed method can receive better recognition accuracy , which means it is an effective SAR target recognition method .


  15. Don 't be surprised if you receive some recognition for all that you are able to accomplish today .


  16. And Ive spent 10 long years patiently awaiting ... to receive the recognition Ive so desired .


  17. We were bemoaning the fact that authors of popular fiction found it hard to get published and receive any recognition .


  18. Thoreau did not receive due recognition during his lifetime and the generations of his age criticized him more and praised less .


  19. Jane Parry and Cui Weiyuan report on how dementia is starting to receive the recognition it deserves .


  20. Customer can register , submit the OCR recognition task , realize the basket function , online payment and receive the recognition result via front handling system .


  21. Research published in journals in the developing world must receive more recognition , says former president of the Academy of Science of South Africa , Wieland Gevers .


  22. " I want to see an independent commission upholding the rights of each citizen without being manipulated behind the scenes that will receive good recognition from around the world ," he added .


  23. The main purpose of the exhibitors who are willing to pay for the rent of the booths is to communicate with the trade visitor , expect to understand the needs of the trade visitors and finally receive the recognition of them .


  24. Years of professional experience and unique creative ideas to receive international customer recognition and highly .


  25. He said he was delighted to receive such impressive recognition for his achievements .


  26. CAREER : All your hard work this year will be rewarded when you receive plenty of recognition .


  27. Donors establishing endowed Rotary World Peace Fellowships receive the appropriate recognition associated with their permanent fund gift .


  28. My hobby was watching NBA and NhL . I recently receive the certificate Recognition of the school .


  29. However , teachers in secondary vocational schools usually receive low social recognition and low sense of career accomplishment due to the distinctiveness of secondary vocational schools . They have many barriers in education and teaching .


  30. These years have marked the build-up for a voice for this community , both within and without it , and the same-sex community of today receive much more recognition and rights than the bleak prospects of the LGBT living in the 1960s .
