regular routine
- 常规事务

Do you write every day or follow a regular routine ?
Regular routine maintenance will be performed as required , per manufacturer 's recommendations .
Have a regular routine in the morning and allow your bowels time to work .
Is this gonna be the regular routine ?
Hopefully you have a deeper understanding of how to make event-driven development part of your regular routine .
It is important that children practice a wide range of activities that differ from the regular routine of lessons .
The idea is that explicit motivational techniques should be a backup , not your regular routine .
By making sure that physical activity was part of our regular routine , we helped our children realize how important it is to exercise .
But after a while , I set up a regular routine , joined some networking groups and adopted some best practices .
A regular routine that includes dinner , bath , quiet time and bed seems to help children wind down and relax before bed .
Its much easier to get to sleep each night ( and wake up feeling refreshed ) if we have a regular routine .
Drinking enough water , eating right , exercising , getting plenty of rest , and returning to a regular routine should help you feel better .
After this information is logged , make it part of your regular routine to scan the logs for problems , such as application failures or suspicious activity .
Hi , welcome to CNN Student News , most of you are watching the show in classroom , it 's just part of your regular routine .
F : right now , I do not have a regular routine , but will be getting a program together for my new album , including hiring a trainer to get me in touring shape !
But jackpot winners ' advice is : " Don 't give up work . Having a regular routine and social interaction are essential . Keeping up friendships is important too , as is a stable marriage .
A voracious reader - he has always taken periodic breaks from his regular routine to read about and ponder the biggest problems he has taken on - his conversation is littered with references to authors .
Also making sure your child has a regular bedtime routine will help .
But you just can 't seem to get into a regular fitness routine .
So you 've done what you thought was the hard part : You started a regular exercise routine to get fit and healthy .
Back pain is super common , especially if you work at a desk , or if you don 't have a regular fitness routine .
Whether you already have a regular running routine or you 've been meaning to start one , consider these 5 benefits of running in the morning .
Methods : The testing results of regular urine routine and urine bacterial culture before and after washing hands were observed in 15 patients with paraplegia undergoing intermittent self catheterization .
I looked out the window to see a river of blue and gray Mao-jacketed bicyclists for whom this breakfast broadcast was a regular daily routine .
Do it two or three times a week to tone muscles and help your body burn calories better ; combine it with a regular cardio routine to boost energy and shed extra pounds .
Introverts are more likely to possess qualities that enable them to commit to a healthy diet and regular exercise routine , both of which require restraint , difficult for more impulsive people , she says .
Keep a regular sleep routine , include 30 minutes of exercise in your day , avoid all stimulants in the evening ( including chocolate , coffee , tea ) , avoid bright light around the house before bed , have a relaxing bath and keep your bedroom quiet , dark and cool .
Regular checking and routine checking ensure the equipment work properly .
They lead an uneventful , regular life with such routine as a daily gymnastic session , an afternoon nap , and a weekend family outing .